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§ 150.138 APPEARANCE.
   Construction of accessory buildings over one hundred forty-four (144) square feet and additions to structures on a lot shall match and generally be constructed of, or exceed, the same exterior materials as the structure being added to.
(Ord. 395, passed 7-6-2010) Penalty, see § 150.999
   The B-2 General Business District is intended to provide a district for commercial activities that are highway or automobile oriented and for quasi-industrial and wholesale enterprises that do not need an industrial setting and have considerable customer contact.
   (A)   No building permits shall be issued until a complete drainage system has been reviewed by the city. If deemed appropriate, the City Building Official may require approval of the drainage system by the City Engineer.
   (B)   All principal structures must have a basement or approved solid wall around the perimeter of the structure or a footing around the perimeter of the structure designed by a state licensed engineer and approved by the local building official.
(Ord. 395, passed 7-6-2010) Penalty, see § 150.999
   (A)   Within the B-2 General Business District no structure or land shall be used except for one (1) or more of the following uses.
      (1)   Auto repair or service;
      (2)   Auto sales;
      (3)   Armory, exhibition hall, auction hall and stadium;
      (4)   Bars and taverns;
      (5)   Boat and marine sales;
      (6)   Bowling alleys, billiard and pool rooms, and skating rinks, provided the structure in which the use is conducted shall not be located less than fifty (50) feet from an R district boundary line;
      (7)   Bakery;
      (8)   Bus terminals and taxi stands;
      (9)   Business or trade school;
      (10)   Building material yard provided it is conducted within a building or within a fence of such construction as to prevent view from the public right-of-way;
      (11)   Cabinet and carpentry shops, electrical service, heating, plumbing, upholstery and air conditioning service shops;
      (12)   Commercial greenhouses;
      (13)   Day care facility;
      (14)   Essential service structures;
      (15)   Farm machinery sales and supplies;
      (16)   Feed store;
      (17)   Fraternal organizations and civic clubs;
      (18)   Garden supply store;
      (19)   Grocery store;
      (20)   Laundry and dry cleaning;
      (21)   Motels, motor hotels, and hotels provided the site shall contain not less than four hundred (400) square feet of lot area per unit;
      (22)   Public and semi-public buildings: Including but not limited to city/town halls, county courthouses and related functions, fire and police stations, post offices, libraries, and schools and related functions.
      (23)   Printing shops and newspaper offices;
      (24)   Restaurant;
      (25)   Stone and monument sales;
      (26)   Television and radio stations;
      (27)   Tire and battery sales but not including battery rebuilding or tire recapping;
      (28)   Warehousing except the storage of inflammable fluids;
      (29)   Wholesale offices and showrooms;
      (30)   Any permitted use in the B-1 district not mentioned as a permitted use in the B-2 district; and
      (31)   Gas stations.
   (B)   Uses not listed. Other residential and commercial uses determined by the Planning Commission and City Council to be of the same general character as identified permitted and conditional uses and found not to be detrimental to the general public’s health, safety, and welfare. The use shall be placed in the permitted or conditional use category based upon its compatibility to those uses listed.
(Ord. 395, passed 7-6-2010; Am. Ord. 453, passed 10-17-2017) Penalty, see § 150.999
   Within any B-2 General Business District no structure or land shall be used for the following uses except by conditional use permit:
   (A)   Open sales lot. Open sales or rental lots. (Other than auto or boat. See § 150.146)
   (B)   Kennels. Any lot or premises or portion thereof on which four (4) or more dogs and/or cats over six (6) months old are owned, bred, boarded or offered for sale. This shall not include pet shops, veterinary clinics or other such uses regulated herein.
   (C)   Veterinary clinics. Veterinary clinic or animal hospital.
   (D)   Amusements. Miniature golf course, driving ranges, archery ranges, go-cart track, trampoline centers and boat landing facilities.
   (E)   Shopping center. Any contiguous group of two (2) or more retail stores or service establishments, comprising ten thousand (10,000) or more square feet of floor area which provides off-street parking utilized in common by patrons.
   (F)   Drive-ins. Drive-in restaurant subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   The entire area shall have a drainage system approved by the City Engineer.
      (2)   The entire area other than that occupied by structures or planting shall be surfaced with a material which will control dust and drainage.
      (3)   A box curb at least six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public walk from the lot except at approved entrances or exits.
      (4)   A fence of acceptable design not over six (6) feet in height or less than four (4) feet which is at least fifty percent (50%) closed, shall be constructed along the property in a R district and such fence shall be adequately maintained. The fence shall not be required within the required front yard.
      (5)   The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent land in residential use.
   (G)   Car wash. Automated car wash facilities.
   (H)   Commercial campgrounds.
   (I)   Night clubs and dance halls.
   (J)   Funeral homes and mortuaries.
   (K)   Multi-family residential structures and residential units that are above, attached or part of the main structure and are clearly secondary in nature to the main use.
   (L)   Service stations.
   (M)   Storage building. One (1) storage building per principal structure shall be permitted and the maximum floor area shall not exceed one hundred forty-four (144) square feet.
   (N)   Bed and breakfast inn, provided the following are adhered to:
      (1)   Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the parking requirements of § 150.500. A minimum of one (1) off-street parking space per guest room shall be provided in addition to the parking requirements for the zoning district in which the facility is located. Off-street parking is to be screened from the surrounding residences.
      (2)   Signs shall be in accordance with the sign requirements in § 150.213 and meet the requirements for the zoning district that the business is located within. (Identifying signs to be not more than four (4) square feet in total, located on the building and consistent with the character of the building).
      (3)   A maximum of five (5) units may be established in a structure.
      (4)   A bed and breakfast establishment shall show proof of inspection or proof of proper operating licenses by the state and/or country.
      (5)   All guest rooms shall be contained within the principal structure.
      (6)   Dining and other facilities shall not be open to the public, but shall be used exclusively by the residents and registered guests.
      (7)   The maximum stay for guests shall be fourteen (14) days within a thirty (30) day period.
      (8)   The inn shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations governing its existence and operation, including, but not limited to, the State Building Code, the State Fire Code, and the State Health Code.
      (9)   A conditional use permit shall be terminated upon occurrence for the following:
         (a)   Non-compliance with the provisions of these provisions.
         (b)   Transfer of ownership of said property from the owner/operator.
         (c)   The creation of a condition which adversely affects the health, safety, or general welfare of the city or its residents.
      (10)   The owner or operator shall reside on the property or submit a management plan for approval as part of the conditional use permit.
   (O)   Recreational centers.
   (P)   Self-service storage facility. The storage facility cannot result in an adverse impact on adjacent properties by reason of parking demand, traffic generation, lighting, outdoor activities, fire hazard, safety hazard, visual blight, incompatibility to the surrounding neighborhood, or any other adverse impact as determined by the City Council.
      (1)   No on-site sales shall be conducted, other than the rental of storage spaces.
      (2)   All storage shall be fully enclosed within the storage structure.
      (3)   No containers of flammable or hazardous materials other than normal household quantities shall be stored on-site. Quantities shall be stored per local code requirements. Exception: Quantities over the normal household amounts can be stored if stored per local code and reported and registered with the local fire department.
   (Q)   Outdoor furnaces and boilers, provided the following conditions are met:
      (1)   The applicant shall submit a site plan, drawn to scale, showing the location of the proposed outdoor furnace or boiler in relation to existing structures and property lines as well as proposed screening or enclosure.
      (2)   Outdoor furnaces and boilers shall only be allowed on lots five (5) acres in size or greater. If the lot is divided in the future, so as to be less than five (5) acres, the outdoor furnace shall be removed.
      (3)   Outdoor furnaces and boilers shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from all property lines when abutting a residential district. When the property does not abut a residential district, the furnace shall comply with minimum setback requirements of the zoning district it is within.
      (4)   No burning materials shall be stored within five (5) feet of the principal structure and materials shall be stored in an orderly fashion.
      (5)   The outdoor furnace or boiler must be enclosed in a structure or screened with fencing and/or other materials as approved by the City Council.
      (6)   When the outdoor furnace or boiler is enclosed in a structure, the structure shall generally match the exterior of the principal structure.
      (7)   When the outdoor furnace or boiler is enclosed in a structure, the structure shall not count against the allowable square footage for future accessory structures, as long as it strictly serves as an enclosure for the furnace or boiler and the structure does not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in size.
      (8)   If the outdoor furnace or boiler is to be replaced, it shall meet the city and/or state requirements in place at that time.
      (9)   The outdoor furnace or boiler shall be UL Listed, or certified per the State Building Code, and the applicant shall follow all manufacturer specifications.
      (10)   If the outdoor furnace or boiler is taken out of service for a period of one (1) year or more, the permit shall become null and void and the unit and enclosure shall be removed from the property.
   (R)   Recycling facility. Recycling facilities are subject to the following minimum requirements:
      (1)   All operations shall be conducted within a building or an enclosed area.
      (2)   Facilities shall comply with all Pollution Control Agency (PCA) regulations.
      (3)   Facilities taking household hazardous waste materials must be licensed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).
      (4)   An MPCA approved recording system shall be maintained indicating the type and quantity of recyclables passing through the facility.
      (5)   A sign, subject to city approval, shall be posted on premises indicating the facility name, schedule of days and hours of operation and prices for use.
      (6)   The recycling facility shall be so situated, operated and maintained so as to limit interference with and impact on other activities and uses in the area.
      (7)   The premises, entrances and exits shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner at all times.
      (8)   All incoming and outgoing traffic shall be controlled by the property owner in such a manner as to provide safe and orderly ingress and egress.
      (9)   All unloading of recyclables from contributing vehicles shall be conducted in such a manner as to eliminate odor and litter outside of the facility.
   (S)   Churches and other places of worship.
   (T)   Land reclamation. See § 150.015.
   (U)    Mining. See § 150.016.
   (V)   Health care facilities. Including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and other similar health care facilities.
   (W)   Residential facilities as defined by § 150.002.
   (X)   Welding and fabrication.
(Ord. 395, passed 7-6-2010; Am. Ord. 422, passed 5-20-2014; Am. Ord. 435, passed 6-16-2015) Penalty, see § 150.999
§ 150.148 INTERIM USES.
   Those other uses which in the opinion of the Planning Commission are appropriate only on an interim basis, and pursuant to § 150.037.
(Ord. 395, passed 7-6-2010)