A.   Streets obviously in alignment with existing streets shall bear the names of those streets.
   B.   No street names shall be used which will duplicate, be the same in spelling or alike in pronunciation with any other existing streets. All street names should be kept as short as possible to permit signs to be no longer than thirty six inches (36"). Street names shall be applied as follows:
Avenue - a road running east and west
   Street - a road running north and south
Road - a road running east and west or north and south, such names may only be assigned to major rights of way
   Lane - a road running northeast to southwest
   Drive - a road running northwest to southeast
Trail - a road which wanders in different directions
   Circle - all cul-de-sacs
Court - a road with two (2) openings which enters and exists on the same street
   Place - all private roads
   Boulevard - a minor street divided by a median
   C.   When, due to topography, offsets caused by rectangular surveys or other physical features, streets become interrupted, quarter-line and section line streets shall retain the same name on either side of the irregularities.
   D.   Subdivision names and apartment project names shall not duplicate, be the same in spelling or alike in pronunciation with any existing subdivision or apartment project names expect that apartment names which correspond to the subdivision in which they are located will be allowed. These names shall be subject to the approval of the director of public works. (2005 Code)