A. Appointment: Unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance, members of boards, commissions and standing committees of the city shall be residents of the city or an owner of a business within the city of Mitchell, which owner has a Mitchell, South Dakota, mailing address, or an owner of real property within the city of Mitchell, which owner has a Mitchell, South Dakota, mailing address, and appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. The appointments shall generally be made and confirmed at the first regular city council meeting in July of each year, or at any other meeting as shall be deemed appropriate by the mayor and city council. Persons appointed as members of a board, commission or committee of the city shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor and city council. (Ord. 2470, 4-21-2014)
B. Terms: Unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance, the term of appointment shall be for three (3) years. Terms of members shall be staggered, such that to the extent possible, the terms of proportionately equal numbers of members shall expire annually. No person shall serve more than two (2) successive terms without at least one year intervening, unless the city council shall waive such requirement. A person appointed to fill an unexpired term may be appointed successively for two (2) complete full terms. (Ord. 2269, 2-18-2008)
C. Unexpired Terms: Subject to the approval of the city council, the mayor shall appoint persons to fill the unexpired term of any appointed person who for any reason shall vacate an appointed position prior to the expiration of the term.
D. Withdrawal Of Appointment: Whenever the mayor shall deem it in the best interests of the city, the mayor shall have authority to withdraw any previously made and approved appointment; and the appointment of any such person shall be terminated upon such withdrawal of appointment by the mayor. The mayor shall report any withdrawal of appointment to the city council at the next regular city council meeting. (2005 Code)
Unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance, the powers and duties of the boards, commissions and committees of the city shall be as from time to time prescribed by the mayor and the city council; and all acts of the boards, commissions or committees of the city shall be subject to the supervision and review of the mayor and city council. Except where otherwise provided by law, nothing contained in this title shall limit the superior authority of the city council to effect any decision it shall enact in respect to the subject matter of this title. Each board, commission or committee of the city may, subject to the approval of the city council, enact rules for the orderly conduct of its business. (2005 Code)