630.050. Standards of Conduct.
1.   Except for those people specified in section 630.020, a person may conduct regulated activity in the city only if a valid city identification card identifying the person has been issued, is prominently displayed by attaching it to the front of the outermost clothing between the waist and neck, and has not been revoked, suspended, or impounded.
2.   A licensee must not transfer its license or identification card to another person.
3.   A person must not use a city identification card issued to someone other than that person.
4.   A city identification card must be displayed only while conducting regulated activity in the city and must be used for no other purpose and in no other location.
5.   A person conducting regulated activity must not go onto private property for that purpose when there are signs prominently posted indicating that trespassing, solicitation or both is unwelcome or prohibited.
6.   A person must not be on a street, highway, or adjacent boulevard and direct regulated activity toward the occupants of any motor vehicle in transit and must not obstruct the free flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic on any public street, sidewalk, or other public right-of-way.
7.   A person must not conduct regulated activity in a manner that creates a health or safety hazard.
8.   A person must conduct regulated activity in a reasonably courteous manner at all times, must not engage in offensive, obscene, or abusive language, must not push open a door not opened by an occupant, must not place any portion of the person's body through an opened doorway without the invitation of an occupant, and must not physically attempt to stop an occupant from closing a door
9.   A licensee must immediately leave private property when requested to do so by an occupant or owner and must leave immediately upon completion of a transaction or an unsuccessful attempt to contact an occupant,
10.   A licensee entering onto residential property must go directly to a door of the house, unless there is an adult present outside of the house or in an open garage. At no time may a licensee go to a window or to the back yard, unless invited to do so by the occupant.
11.   A person conducting regulated activity must not make untrue statements to the people contacted regarding the purpose of the contact, orders placed by the neighbors, or the goods and services offered.
12.   A licensee must not make statements to the people contacted indicating or implying that the city identification card constitutes an endorsement of their activities or products by the city.
13.   While conducting regulated activity, a licensee must not be accompanied by a person who is not licensed or is not listed in the license application.
(Amended by Ord. No. 2012-07, adopted June 25, 2012)
630.055. Suspension; Revocation.
1.   The city may suspend or revoke an identification card or license, using the procedure established in section 700.035, if the person who is the subject of the card, a person acting on behalf of the licensee, or the licensee has:
   a.   violated a provision of this section, or other local laws governing the same activity, during the license period;
   b.   violated a criminal law during the license period that adversely reflects on the ability to honestly, safely, or lawfully conduct the regulated activity; or
   c.   submitted false information or omitted material information in the licensing process required by this section.
2.   If a license is revoked or suspended, all identification cards issued to people acting on behalf of the licensee are automatically revoked or suspended.
3.   The identification card of any person convicted of violating a provision of this section is automatically revoked. The license of the organization on whose behalf the person was acting and all other identification cards issued to people acting on behalf of that licensee are also automatically revoked upon that conviction.
(Amended by Ord. No. 2012-07, adopted June 25, 2012)
630.060. Penalty, Enforcement.
1.   A violation of a provision of this section is subject to the penalties established in section 1310.
2.   The community development director, the chief of police, and their designees are authorized to enforce this ordinance. They may impound an identification card and license when a person has been found violating a provision of this section, when cause exists for suspending or revoking the identification card or license, or when the identification card or license has been suspended or revoked. When impounding a card or license, the official must send a notice to the licensee and the subject of the card at the address on the application form, giving the parties ten days to submit a written request for a hearing before the city council. Failure to timely request an appeal, constitutes a waiver of that appeal and results in an automatic suspension of the license or card for three years.
(Section amended by Ord. No. 2007-19, adopted May 21, 2007)
(Repealed by Ord. No. 2016-15, effective January 1, 2017)
640.005. License.
A person, firm or corporation must not operate a billiard parlor, pool hall, bowling alley, roller skating rink, or motion picture theater in the city without having a city license to do so.
(Amended by Ord. No. 2006-20, adopted November 6, 2006)
640.010. Application.
An application for a license must be made to the community development department and will be subject to the requirements of section 700, except section 700.015(2). The application must be accompanied by the fee specified in section 710.