645.005. Licensing of Suppliers.
1. A person must not undertake the business of supplying for rent portable storage containers, as defined in city code section 845.020, on property that is improved as a single family or two family residence in the city of Minnetonka without having in effect a current, valid license obtained from the city.
2. An applicant for a supplier's license must submit an application to the community development director on the city's approved form, accompanied by the license fee specified in section 710. The application must accurately state:
a. the name, address, and local telephone number of the applicant; and
b. a description of the manner and kind of services to be rendered.
3. Each applicant for a license must submit a bond in the amount of $1,000, conditioned upon the faithful performance of contracts and compliance with this code. The bond must be in the form prescribed by the city and must be in favor of the city and everyone suffering damages because of the breach of the bond conditions.
4. Each license applicant must also submit a certificate of insurance certifying that its business is currently insured by an insurance company licensed to do business in the state of Minnesota. The certificate must be in the form prescribed by the city. The minimum limits of coverage for the insurance are:
a. liability insurance:
(1) each claim, at least $100,000;
(2) each occurrence, at least $300,000; and
(3) property damage, at least $50,000.
b. workers' compensation: statutory amounts.
The insurance must be kept in force during the term of the license and must provide for notification to the city 10 days before termination or cancellation. A license will automatically be revoked upon notice of termination or cancellation of this insurance and will remain revoked until and unless other insurance is provided as required.
5. A supplier's license will expire July 31 of each year.
645.010. Duties of Supplier.
1. The supplier must comply with all of the requirements in city code section 845.020;
2. The supplier must comply with the provisions of city code section 845.020 and must remove portable storage containers before expiration of the time periods required in that section. The supplier may not empty a container onto the property before removing it; and
3. The supplier must make its records regarding activities in the city of Minnetonka available for city review during all reasonable business hours.
(Added by Ord. No. 2007-12, adopted April 9, 2007)
1. Findings and Purpose.
The city council makes the following legislative findings: The purpose of this ordinance is to implement the business registration provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 342, which authorizes the city to protect the public health, safety, welfare of Minnetonka residents by regulating cannabis retail businesses within the legal boundaries of the city.
2. Authority and jurisdiction.
The city council has the authority to adopt this ordinance pursuant to Minn. Stat. 342.22, regarding the local registration and enforcement requirements of state-licensed cannabis retail businesses and lower-potency hemp edible retail businesses.
3. Severability.
If any section, clause, provision, or portion of this ordinance is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance will not be affected thereby.
4. Enforcement.
The community development director or designee is responsible for the administration and enforcement of this ordinance.
(Added by Ord. 2024-18, effective 1-4-2025)