605.060. Designated Trade Area.
Subd. 1. Each licensed organization shall expend at least seventy percent (70%) of its lawful purpose expenditures on lawful purposes conducted within the city’s trade area, as defined in section 605.020.
Subd. 2. This section applies only to lawful purpose expenditures of gross profits derived from gambling conducted at a premises within the city’s jurisdiction.
605.065. Hours of Operation.
Lawful gambling shall not be conducted between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m. on any day of the week.
605.070. Criminal penalty.
Any person who violates any provision of this section 605 is guilty of a misdemeanor offense. In addition, violations shall be reported to the board and recommendation shall be made for the suspension, revocation or cancellation of an organization’s license.
(Added by Ord. 2024-12, effective August 24, 2024)
610.005. Purpose.
The city council finds that pawnbrokers, precious metal dealers, and certain secondhand dealers potentially provide an opportunity for the commission and concealment of crimes. These businesses have the ability to receive and transfer stolen property easily and quickly. The city council also finds that consumer protection regulation is warranted in transactions involving these businesses. The purpose of this section is to prevent these businesses assisting in the commission of crimes, to identify criminal activities through timely collection and sharing of certain transaction information, and to ensure that such businesses comply with basic consumer protection standards, thereby protecting the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the city.
(Amended by Ord. No. 2011-12, adopted June 20, 2011; Amended by Ord. No. 2005-12, adopted May 9, 2005)
610.010. Definitions.
1. “Billable transaction” means a reportable transaction except renewals, redemptions or extensions of existing pawns on items previously reported and continuously in the licensee's possession, voided transactions, and confiscations.
2. "Gemstone" means a precious or semiprecious stone that may be used as a jewel when cut and polished.
3. “Item containing precious metal” means an item made in whole or in part of metal and containing more than one percent by weight of silver, gold or platinum.
4. “Minor” means a natural person under the age of 18 years.
5. “Pawnbroker” means a person who loans money on deposit or pledge of personal property or other valuable thing; who deals in the purchasing of personal property or other valuable thing on condition of selling it back again at a stipulated price; or who loans money secured by chattel mortgage on personal property, taking possession of the property or a part of it. If a pawnbroker business includes buying personal property previously used, rented, or leased, the provisions of this section are applicable. Any bank, savings and loan association, or credit union is not a pawnbroker for purposes of this section.
6. “Person” means one or more natural persons; a partnership, including a limited partnership; a corporation; including a foreign, domestic, or nonprofit corporation; a trust; a political subdivision of the state; or another business organization.
7. “Precious metal dealer” means a person engaging in the business of buying coins or secondhand items containing precious metal including jewelry, watches, eating utensils, candlesticks, and religious and decorative objects.
8. “Precious metals” means silver, gold, or platinum.
9. “Reportable transaction” means a transaction conducted by a pawnbroker, precious metal dealer, or secondhand dealer in which merchandise is received through a pawn, purchase, consignment or trade except:
a. the bulk purchase or consignment of new or used merchandise from a merchant, manufacturer or wholesaler having an established permanent place of business, and the retail sale of said merchandise, if the pawnbroker, precious metal dealer, or secondhand dealer maintains a record describing the items in each transaction and marks each item in a manner that relates it to that transaction record; and
b. retail and wholesale sales of merchandise originally received by pawn or purchase, and for which all applicable hold and redemption periods have expired.
10. "Secondhand dealer" means a person in the business of buying, or receiving as "trade-in," secondhand items that are in one or both of the following categories: (a) consumer electronics, including peripherals and electronic media, and (b) jewelry and gemstones. A secondhand dealer does not include a person who buys or receives fewer than 25 such items within any period of 12 consecutive months.
11. “Secondhand item” means tangible personal property, excluding motor vehicles, that has been previously used, rented, owned or leased.
(Amended by Ord. No. 2012-07, adopted June 25, 2012; Amended by Ord. No. 2011-12, adopted June 20, 2011; Amended by Ord. No. 2005-12, adopted May 9, 2005)