The planning commission, in reviewing the tentative map, shall consider the following factors:
   A.   Environmental laws and regulations concerning water and air pollution and solid waste disposal;
   B.   Health laws and regulations concerning water supply and sewage disposal and the present availability of water which is adequate to provide fire protection and meets applicable health standards and is further sufficient for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the subdivision;
   C.   Availability and accessibility of utilities;
   D.   Availability and accessibility of public services such as schools, police and fire protection, transportation, recreation and parks;
   E.   General conformity with the zoning ordinance and adopted policies and master plan, see Nevada Revised Statutes section 278.349, paragraph 3;
   F.   Design of lots, traffic circulation, and other features with relation to:
      1.   Character of the land and the general environment of the proposed subdivision,
      2.   Design standards and specifications,
      3.   Adequacy of street structural sections;
   G.   Need for conservation, pedestrian path and similar easements for preservation of open space;
   H.   Visual aesthetics and the aesthetic relationships between the subdivision and the surrounding areas;
   I.   Improvements required under the provisions of this title;
   J.   Adequacy of easements required for public improvements and utilities;
   K.   Effect of any proposed grading on drainage in the general area, the adequacy of proposed methods of handling drainage and stormwater runoff, erosion control measures during and after grading, and safety of graded slopes;
   L.   Effects on other public improvements;
   M.   Adequacy of any proposed parks from the standpoint of location, topography, size and similar considerations;
   N.   Preservation of native vegetation and needed additions;
   O.   Reserved;
   P.   Effect of the proposed subdivision on existing public streets and the need for new streets or highways to serve the subdivision;
   Q.   Physical land characteristics such as floodplain, seismic and other areas of hazard;
   R.   Recommendations and comments of those entities reviewing the tentative map pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes chapter 278 as well as the provisions of this chapter;
   S.   Any other factor related to the subdivision which is relevant to the health, safety or general welfare of the county. (Ord. 209A, 2010)