A. No trailers or mobile homes shall be permitted on a single parcel, unless first having been issued a building permit in an M-3, open use zone district.
B. Each trailer located under the provisions of this section shall be provided with:
1. A location on a well drained, properly graded site, free from hazards, unusual noises, probability of flooding, erosion or infestation; soil, ground water, drainage, rock formations and topography shall be such as not to create undue hazards to property or endanger the health and safety of the occupants;
2. Direct vehicular access to an improved public street of width and construction suitable to traffic requirements of the property served;
3. Adequate water and sanitary facilities as required by state authority.
C. Accessory structures as permitted by zone category are permissible upon issuance of a building permit.
D. In those areas which have been designated as having a TR trailer or MH mobile home overlay or other authority allowing the installation of manufactured homes, any manufactured home installed must be constructed or manufactured not more than ten (10) years prior to the date of this application for the installation permit or the owner shall provide acceptable verification that this unit is in compliance with current federal manufactured housing construction standards. This requirement does not pertain to any manufactured home which is already installed in any area of Mineral County prior to the adoption of this section, as long as the continuing use of such complies with this chapter.
E. Movement of any mobile home from its present location to another location within Mineral County must comply with all requirements of this code. (MC Ord. 191A § 2, 2006: MC Ord. 99A § 6, 1985: MC Ord. 20A § 5, 1965)
Each trailer park constructed and operated under the provisions of this chapter shall provide for the following:
A. A location on a well drained, properly graded site, free from hazards, unusual noises, probability of flooding, erosion or infestation; soil, ground water, drainage, rock formations and topography shall be such as not to create undue hazards to property or endanger the health and safety of the occupants;
B. A single area of not less than one-half (1/2) acre;
C. Direct vehicular access to an improved public street of width and construction suitable to traffic requirements of the property served;
D. A front setback equal to that on adjacent lands or as set by law;
E. Landscaping and/or fencing so designed to screen the street and adjoining properties, as approved by the planning commission;
F. Every trailer space shall be clearly defined and abut on a driveway or other clear area with unobstructed access to an interior road; trailers shall be parked in such spaces so that there will be a minimum of fifteen feet (15') between units and so that none will be less than ten feet (10') from exterior boundary of the park;
G. Interior access roads providing for continuous forward movement, connecting with a street or highway, and having a minimum width of twenty feet (20') for a one-way street system and thirty feet (30') for a two-way pattern. All driveways shall be hard surfaced with concrete, asphalt or approved oil, well marked in daylight and lighted at night with at least the equivalent of a one hundred (100) watt lamp for each one hundred feet (100');
H. A centrally located common area for recreation, in the amount of at least two hundred (200) square feet per individual trailer space;
I. An accessible, adequate, safe, and potable supply of water capable of furnishing a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) gallons per day per trailer space; the development of an independent water supply to serve the mobile home park shall be made only after express approval has been granted by the state health department; where a public supply of water of such quality is available, connection shall be made thereto and its supply shall be used exclusively;
J. A paved pad or deck (patio) of not less than one hundred fifty (150) square feet;
K. Each trailer park designed as an independent only type installation shall not be required to provide permanent sanitation facilities as herein defined. Each trailer park having dependent spaces shall be provided with toilets, baths or showers and other sanitation facilities as follows:
1. Toilet facilities for men and women in either separate buildings or at least twenty feet (20') apart or in the same building separated by a soundproof wall, consisting of not less than one flush toilet, one shower or bathtub and one washbasin for each sex, for every ten (10) dependent trailer spaces. Each toilet, washbasin or bathtub shall be in a private compartment with a door to ensure privacy and one full set of sanitary facilities for each sex shall be the minimum requirement for each dependent park regardless of its site;
2. Service buildings housing toilet facilities shall be moistureproof permanent structures, complying with all applicable laws regulating such construction and equipment. They shall be well lighted at all times and the floors shall be of water impervious materials sloping to a floor drain connecting with the sewerage system;
L. Laundry facilities in the ratio of one laundry unit to every thirty (30) spaces; to be in a separate, soundproof room of a service building or in a separate building; a laundry unit shall consist of not less than one laundry tray and one clothes washing machine;
M. Tightly covered garbage cans sufficient to permit disposal of all garbage and rubbish; cans shall be located not farther than two hundred feet (200') from any trailer space, shall be kept in a sanitary condition at all times, and all garbage and rubbish shall be collected and disposed of as frequently as may be necessary; racks or holders shall be provided for all refuse containers to be so designed as to prevent containers from being tipped, to minimize spillage and container deterioration, and to facilitate cleaning around them;
N. Sufficient number of three-fourths inch (3/4") faucets of nonfreezing types shall be so located and installed as to reach all trailer spaces with a fifty foot (50') garden hose extension; two (2) 50-foot lengths of dry, unfrozen hose shall be located on the premises for immediate use; an adequate number of approved fire extinguishers may be installed in lieu of faucets and hose;
O. Every park shall be equipped at all times with adequate fire protection. No open fires shall be permitted;
P. In those areas which have been designated as having a TR trailer or MH mobile home overlay or other authority allowing the installation of manufactured homes, any manufactured home installed must be constructed or manufactured not more than ten (10) years prior to the date of this application for the installation permit or the owner shall provide acceptable verification that this unit is in compliance with current federal manufactured housing construction standards. This requirement does not pertain to any manufactured home which is already installed in any area of Mineral County prior to the adoption of this section, as long as the continuing use of such complies with this chapter;
Q. Movement of any manufactured home from its present location to another location within Mineral County must comply with all requirements of this code. (MC Ord. 191A § 3, 2006: MC Ord. 20A § 6(1), 1965)
All sites and site improvements shall be harmoniously and efficiently organized in relation to topography, shape and building location, with full regard to use and appearance and advantages of view, trees and other site features. (MC Ord. 20A § 6(2), 1965)