No trailer shall be used for living or sleeping purposes in any area of Mineral County except as follows:
A. During construction of a building or buildings, the owners of the lot or parcel, for his own or his employees' occupancy may apply for a permit to occupy a trailer for the period of construction only, not to exceed six (6) months and renewable once for an additional six (6) month period;
B. The legitimate use of a mobile home as a permanent single- family dwelling in those areas designated by Mineral County under the TR overlay as set forth by ordinance;
C. Legitimate trailer parks as existing or established, conducted, maintained and licensed under the terms of this chapter;
D. Incidental use to farming, mining, construction, lumbering (or similar uses), for the temporary use of employees only;
E. Dead storage of trailers incident to a permanent use;
F. For recreational purposes, not to exceed thirty (30) days. (MC Ord. 20A § 3(1), 1965)