A.   If a person is bitten by any animal he shall immediately inform the county sheriff's office.
   B.   If the owner of any animal has knowledge that the animal has bitten a human being, he shall:
      1.   Immediately inform the county sheriff's office;
      2.   If he cannot show proof of valid rabies vaccination, he shall forthwith deliver the dog or cat to the animal control officer, the sheriff or his designate, and a failure to do so shall be unlawful and punishable as a misdemeanor.
   C.   If the animal control officer, sheriff or his designate is informed that the animal has bitten a human being and the owner has failed to notify the authorities, the animal shall forthwith be impounded at the owners expense.
   D.   If any animal has bitten a person, the animal shall be impounded for fourteen (14) days.
      1.   If during the period it appears that such animal has rabies, the animal shall be destroyed.
      2.   If it appears that the animal does not have rabies, it shall be released upon payment of impounding fees and daily boarding fees. Proof of rabies vaccinations for such dog or cat and county licensing for such dog shall be required within fourteen (14) days of release of the animal, or the animal shall be impounded by the animal control officer.
   E.   In the event that any dog or cat shall have on a second occasion bitten a human being, the owner shall:
      1.   Comply with all provisions of this section; and
      2.   Require confinement of the dog or cat in a secure pen in such a manner that it cannot escape:
         a.   Such pen must be inspected and approved by the animal control officer.
         b.   If the dog or cat is in the public pound, it shall not be released until the animal control officer has examined and approved the pen.
         c.   If the owner refuses to provide such pen, or if the animal is observed outside the pen, the license shall be revoked and the animal shall be forthwith destroyed. (MC Ord. 102A § 2, 1986)