   925.04 RIGHT OF ENTRY.
   (a) The Village reserves the right through its authorized agents to enter at all reasonable hours the premises to which its service extends, for the purpose of reading, repairing, installing, removing or inspecting meters or for any other purposes which it may deem necessary in properly safeguarding the interests of the Village and the consumer.
   (b) When such access is refused, the water service may be terminated following the procedure in Section 921.02. If terminated the water service will not be restored until the request of the Village has been complied with and an "on" charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) is paid for service within the Village.
(Ord. 2010-107. Passed 1-24-11.)
   Application for a water tap permit shall be made in writing on forms supplied by the Village and signed by the owner or authorized agent of the owner, making such tap connection. The application shall be filed with the Village. The permit shall be issued by the Administrator or his/her designee after the information concerning the proposed work has been provided as required by the application and the required fee for the tap has been paid to the Clerk. The permit may be revoked for a violation of this chapter or any other Village ordinance, or for a failure to comply with the regulations of the Administrator adopted pursuant thereto. Said tap shall be installed and/or connected to the Village water system within one year of issuance or the permit shall become null and void.
(Ord. 2010-107. Passed 1-24-11.)
   (a)    Initial Service Connection Charges. (Testing and approval fee included, with two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) going to the R & I Fund.) All additional work the Village cannot perform will be passed on to the customer as an additional connection charge (e.g. moles, taps, valves, etc.)
         Tap Size               Charge
         ¾"                                              $ 1,000.00
         1"                  $ 1,200.00
         1.5"                  $ 1,400.00
         2"                  $ 1,600.00
         3"                  $ 1,800.00
         4"                  $ 2,000.00
         6"                  $ 2,200.00
         8"                   $ 2,400.00
(Ord. 2010-107. Passed 1-24-11.)
   (b)    Water Meter Set Charges.
      (1)   Water meter with generator, line connector and Automated Meter Reading (AMR) equipment. Any meter for a line that exceeds 1 ½" must be a 2" compound meter. All new meters, new taps and meter changes shall be upgraded to a meter specified by the Village that is capable of being read remotely by the Village utility employees. The extra cost will be passed on to the customer.
      Tap Size                           Charge
      ¾"                                          $ 200.00 + cost of AMR equipment
      1"                                          $ 350.00 + cost of AMR equipment
      1 ½"               $ 450.00 + cost of AMR equipment
      2" and larger $ 550.00 + cost of meter and AMR
(Ord. 2016-100. Passed 2-8-16.)
      (2)   Underground water meter and pit.
         Tap Size                                            Charge
         ¾"                                             $ 400.00
         1"                                             $ 500.00
         Larger                                          $ 700.00 + cost of meter & pit vault
   (c) Backflow preventers must be purchased at cost from the Millersburg Department of Water for those preventers that are required for installation by Section 925.17. Alternatively, the customer may purchase a backflow preventer approved by the Village.
(Ord. 2010-107. Passed 1-24-11.)
   (d)    Customers requiring a new meter horn and fittings will be charged the current cost the Village incurs in procuring the horn and fittings.
(Ord. 2022-100. Passed 5-9-22.)
   (e)   Private fire hydrants may be installed but only used for fire protection and must be properly maintained by the customer. Where private fire hydrants are installed, the charge shall be ninety-five dollars ($95.00) per hydrant per annum.
   (f)   The service shall be installed from the water main, where a water main exists in the street in front of the customer's premises, to inside of curb to what is known as the devil strip of property between sidewalk and curbstone. Here a curb stop and curb box will be placed by the Water Department. All taps and services to curb stop shall be made by the Millersburg Water Department. The Village shall have five (5) working days from the date of permit approval to begin work on the tap process. The customer must provide "as built" drawings of all utility lines installed.
   (g)     The customer's line shall be installed by an experienced plumber and at a depth from ground level equal to the Water Department's line unless otherwise approved by the Village.
   Each customer's line to the premises shall be equipped with a workable stop. In a situation where no basement is involved, or if the water line is longer than fifty feet (50') from the curb stop to the premises, an underground meter pit shall be installed. The aforementioned requirements shall be complied with before the water is turned on.
   (h)   The property owner's lines shall be installed by an experienced plumber and at a depth, from ground level, equal to the Water Department's line. Each property owner's line to premises shall be equipped with a workable stop. In case where no basement is involved, an underground meter pit shall be installed. The aforementioned rules shall be complied with before water is turned on. (Ord. 2010-107. Passed 1-24-11.)
   925.07 RATES; PAYMENT.
   (a)    (1)    Schedule of Water Rates-1/1/2017 - 12/31/2018. Beginning January 1, 2017 and continuing through December 31, 2018 the rate for the consumption of water for each quarter of the year shall be as follows:
         A.    There shall be a minimum charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) which shall include a two dollar ($2.00) user fee of the Village storm system, and shall include the consumption up to and including the first 5,000 gallons.
         B.    From 5,001 gallons usage, and any consumption thereafter, the rate shall be two dollars and twenty cents ($2.20) per 1,000 gallons used, and any part thereof;
      (2)    Schedule of Water Rates-1/1/2019 - 12/31/2020. Beginning January 1, 2019 and continuing through December 31, 2020 the rate for the consumption of water for each quarter of the year shall be as follows:
         A.    There shall be a minimum charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) which shall include a two dollar ($2.00) user fee of the Village storm system, and shall include the consumption up to and including the first 5,000 gallons.
         B.    From 5,001 gallons usage, and any consumption thereafter, the rate shall be two dollars and twenty five cents ($2.25) per 1,000 gallons used, and any part thereof;
      (3)    Schedule of Water Rates-1/1/2021 - 12/31/2022. Beginning January 1, 2021 and continuing through December 31, 2022 the rate for the consumption of water for each quarter of the year shall be as follows:
         A.    There shall be a minimum charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) which shall include a two dollar ($2.00) user fee of the Village storm system, and shall include the consumption up to and including the first 5,000 gallons.
         B.    From 5,001 gallons usage, and any consumption thereafter, the rate shall be two dollars and thirty cents ($2.30) per 1,000 gallons used, and any part thereof;
      (4)    Schedule of Water Rates-1/1/2023 - 12/31/2024. Beginning January 1, 2023 and continuing through December 31, 2024 the rate for the consumption of water for each quarter of the year shall be as follows:
         A.    There shall be a minimum charge of thirty five dollars ($35.00) which shall include a two dollar ($2.00) user fee of the Village storm system, and shall include the consumption up to and including the first 5,000 gallons.
         B.    From 5,001 gallons usage, and any consumption thereafter, the rate shall be two dollars and thirty cents ($2.30) per 1,000 gallons used, and any part thereof;
      (5)    Schedule of Water Rates-1/1/2025 - 12/31/2026. Beginning January 1, 2025 and continuing through December 31, 2026 the rate for the consumption of water for each quarter of the year shall be as follows:
         A.    There shall be a minimum charge of thirty five dollars ($35.00) which shall include a two dollar ($2.00) user fee of the Village storm system, and shall include the consumption up to and including the first 5,000 gallons.
         B.    From 5,001 gallons usage, and any consumption thereafter, the rate shall be two dollars and thirty five cents ($2.35) per 1,000 gallons used, and any part thereof;
      (6)    Schedule of Water Rates-1/1/2027 - 12/31/2028. Beginning January 1, 2027 and continuing through December 31, 2028 the rate for the consumption of water for each quarter of the year shall be as follows:
         A.    There shall be a minimum charge of thirty five dollars ($35.00) which shall include a two dollar ($2.00) user fee of the Village storm system, and shall include the consumption up to and including the first 5,000 gallons.
         B.    From 5,001 gallons usage, and any consumption thereafter, the rate shall be two dollars and forty cents ($2.40) per 1,000 gallons used, and any part thereof;
            (Res. 2016-41. Passed 1-9-17.)
   (b)   Property owners may obtain bulk water for such uses as filling swimming pools. The charge shall be a ten dollar ($10.00) minimum for the first one hundred (100) gallons. For every gallon thereafter the charge shall be one cent ($.01) per gallon.
   (c)   Application for the use of water from the Village shall be made in writing by the owner of the premises on the form provided by the Village. A permit for water service shall be approved by the Mayor's Office. The permit together with the fee for the tap shall then be presented to the Village Clerk. Council reserves the right to review and approve all applications.
   (d)   The property owner shall be responsible for the payment of all water and sewer billings and all billings shall be made to the property owner. In case of multi-units, each unit may be metered individually or a master meter may be installed at the desire of the owner.
   (e)   If water service is available at a construction site, water for construction will be furnished at the regular water rates, unless otherwise provided by the Council. A fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) will be charged for installation of a meter.
   (f)   All meters are registered by service numbers and apply to street number and lot number and not to property owner's name. Inquiries regarding meters should give street number and if possible, service number.
   (g)   Meters shall be furnished by the Village at the expense of the customer and shall remain the property of the Village.
(Ord. 2010-107. Passed 1-24-11.)
   (a)   Maintenance and Replacement. The cost of maintenance, repair or replacement of all meters shall be at the expense of the Village, excepting however, the customer shall be charged and held responsible for all repairs, or cost of replacement occasioned by frost, hot water, neglect or any act of negligence on the part of such customer, according to the fee schedule in Section 925.06(b)(1) . If a new meter horn is required, the Village will provide it and charge the customer seventy-five dollars ($75.00). If a frost plate is replaced the labor charge will be thirty dollars ($30.00) per hour if during regular hours and fifty dollars ($50.00) per hour for overtime hours.
   (b)   Responsibility for Loss or Theft. Property owners shall be held responsible for and shall reimburse the Village for the loss or theft of any meter furnished and maintained as hereinbefore provided.
(Ord. 2010-107. Passed 1-24-11.)