The Superintendent of Water and Sewers or his or her agent shall make the actual tap into the sanitary sewer line. He or she shall inspect the construction of the line and the connection thereto, which must be approved prior to being covered by the permittee. (Ord. 3668. Passed 6-18-85.)
(a) No person shall connect to the sanitary sewers any gutter or other drain, or allow such to exist, whereby rain or storm water is diverted into the sanitary sewerage system. All existing gutters, drains or other facilities which presently divert rain, storm water or surface water into the sanitary sewers and sewerage system of the City are hereby declared illegal and shall, at the expense of the property owner, be sealed, closed or diverted therefrom.
(b) No person shall drain or divert any rain, surface, spring or clean-up water, other than sewage water, into the City sanitary sewerage system. To prevent such drainage, the building contractor shall have a pump of adequate size on the job at all times to pump water from basements, ditches and manholes.
(c) Building downspouts shall be connected to underground tile. Unless a property owner can prove to the Superintendent of Water and Sewers that such tile is connected to a cistern, storm sewer or street gutter, all spouting must be disconnected, and the tile and splash blocks shall be poured full of cement. An owner shall comply with the order to remove and disconnect such tile within thirty days after notice or the City will do the work. The cost of such work shall be at the owner's expense and shall be assessed against the lot or land.
(Ord. 3668. Passed 6-18-85.)
All sewers, mains, laterals and house plumbing shall be plugged with test plugs or a tile plug cemented in the end of the tile. Plugs shall remain in place until the City Inspector or the Superintendent of Water and Sewers, or his or her agent, gives permission to remove the same. Anyone removing plugs without the City's permission shall be deemed guilty of violating this section.
(Ord. 3668. Passed 6-18-85.)
(a) Sewage, including wastes from water closets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, showers, laundries, cellar floor drains, garage floor drains, bars, soda fountains, refrigerator drips, drinking fountains, stable floor drains and other objectionable wastes shall be discharged into a sanitary or combined sewer and in no case into a storm water sewer.
(b) Industrial waste shall not be discharged into a storm water sewer, but may be discharged into a sanitary sewer if the waste is of such character as will not be detrimental to the sewerage system or to the sewage treatment works. Where such waste is detrimental to the sewerage system or the sewage treatment works, it shall be otherwise disposed of in a satisfactory manner or so improved in character as not to be detrimental to the sewerage system or sewage treatment works.
(Ord. 3668. Passed 6-18-85.)
(a) Surface water, rain water from roofs, subsoil drainage, building foundation drainage, cistern overflow, clean water from condensers, waste water from water motors and elevators, and any other clean and unobjectionable waste water, shall be discharged into a storm water or combined sewer and in no case into a sanitary sewer.
(b) Connection of a cesspool or a privy vault shall not be made with a sanitary, combined or storm water sewer.
(c) A trap for the interception of grease and oil shall be provided on a connection from a hotel, restaurant, club or institutional kitchen and from a public garage or automobile washing station. Such trap shall be satisfactory to the Superintendent of Water and Sewers.
(d) No person shall discharge into a house sewer, or tap a sewer for the purpose of discharging into it, any waste or drainage water prohibited by the provisions of this section. Any existing connection in violation of the provisions of this section shall be abandoned and removed. (Ord. 3668. Passed 6-18-85.)
(a) The house sewer and connection to a public sewer shall be as specified by the City. The method of sealing joints in order that the same shall be watertight shall be approved by the Superintendent of Water and Sewers or his or her authorized agent prior to installation. In order to permit ventilation of the public sewer and house sewer, no trap shall be placed in the sewer lateral.
(b) After the sewer is laid and before it is covered or used, it shall be inspected and approved by the Superintendent of Water and Sewers or his or her authorized agent. (Ord. 3668. Passed 6-18-85.)