A. Buffer Yards.
1. O/R and TC Districts.
a. Where the interior side or rear lot line abuts a residential district: 100 feet.
b. Where the front or corner side lot line is located across the street from a residential district - this applies when at least 80% or more of the frontage directly across the street and between two consecutive intersecting streets is in a residential district: 100 feet.
2. H District.
a. Where the interior side or rear lot line abuts a residential district: 50 feet or the applicable interior side or rear minimum setback for the abutting residential district, whichever is greater.
b. Where the front or corner side lot line is located across the street from a residential district - this applies when at least 80% or more of the frontage directly across the street and between two consecutive intersecting streets is in a residential district: 50 feet or the applicable interior side or rear minimum setback for the abutting residential district, whichever is greater.
c. Where the front or corner side lot line is a continuation of a residential district's front or corner side lot line (no intersecting street): 50 feet or the applicable interior side or rear minimum setback for the abutting residential district, whichever is greater.
B. Rear and Interior Side Setback Buffer Yard. The required buffer yard in rear and interior side setbacks must be planted as required by this section. These are all new planting requirements.
1. Zone A. Zone A comprises the first 25 feet of the buffer yard, measured perpendicularly from the rear or interior side lot line. Requirements for plantings within zone A are as follows:
a. All areas outside of delineated planting beds must be seeded or sodded, except where natural vegetation is acceptable as approved by the Zoning Administrator.
b. One shade tree must be planted for every 20 linear feet of buffer yard length. As part of site plan approval, trees may be spaced at various intervals based upon specific site features or an overall design schema, but the total number of trees planted must be no less than one per 20 linear feet of buffer yard length. Existing trees in the buffer yard may count toward the buffer yard tree requirement. This credit is a 1:1 ratio (one existing tree for one required tree) regardless of the size of the existing tree.
c. One evergreen tree must be planted for every 30 feet of buffer yard length. As part of site plan approval, trees may be spaced at various intervals based upon specific site features or an overall design schema, but the total number of trees planted must be no less than one per 30 linear feet of buffer yard length. Existing trees in the buffer yard may count toward the buffer yard tree requirement. This credit is a 1:1 ratio (one existing tree for one required tree) regardless of the size of the existing tree.
d. One evergreen shrub must be planted for every three linear feet of buffer yard length. Required shrubs must be staggered, planted in two or more rows to provide depth and visual interest, and to lessen the visual gaps between required tree plantings. As part of site plan approval, shrubs may be spaced at various intervals based upon specific site features or an overall design schema, but the total number of shrubs planted must be no less than one per three linear feet of buffer yard length.
e. A solid fence or wall, constructed of wood, brick, masonry, or stone a minimum of six feet and a maximum of eight feet in height must be erected at the lot line for 100% of the buffer yard length, with the exception of required ingress/egress points. If constructed on a berm, the height of the berm is included, and the maximum height of a fence and berm combined is eight feet.
f. Required plant material may not be located closer than five feet from the fence line.
2. Zone B. Zone B comprises the remainder of the required buffer yard outside of zone A. Requirements for plantings within zone B are as follows:
a. All areas outside of delineated planting beds must be seeded or sodded, except where natural vegetation is acceptable as approved by the Zoning Administrator.
b. One shade tree is required per 3,000 square feet of buffer yard area within zone B. Ornamental trees may be substituted for shade trees at a ratio of 1.5 ornamental trees per one shade tree.
c. One deciduous or evergreen shrub is required per 300 square feet of buffer yard area within zone B.
d. In lieu of requ ired shru bs, as part of site plan review, alter native plan tings incl uding nati ve land scape treat ments such as prairie, meadow, or wildflower communities may be approved. Such alternative plantings must occupy 40% of the area of zone B.

C. Front and Corner Side Setback Buffer Yard. The required buffer yard in front and corner side setbacks must be planted as required by this section. These are all new planting requirements.
1. All areas outside of delineated planting beds must be seeded or sodded, except where natural vegetation is acceptable as approved by the Zoning Administrator.
2. One shade tree is required per 2,000 square feet of buffer yard area. Ornamental trees may be substituted for shade trees at a ratio of 1.5 ornamental trees per one shade tree.
3. One deciduous or evergreen shrub is required per 150 square feet of buffer yard area.
4. In lieu of required shrubs, as part of site plan review, alternative plantings including native landscape treatments such as prairie, meadow, or wildflower communities may be approved. Such alternative plantings must occupy 60% of the buffer yard area.

(Ord. 885, passed 11-21-2023)