A parking lot perimeter landscape is required for all parking lots that abut a street. A perimeter landscape yard is also required where a parking lot abuts an adjacent public space such as a plaza, public seating area, or park in any district. The landscaped area must be improved as follows:
A. Perimeter landscape must be established along the edge of the parking lot abutting a street, plaza, public seating area, or park to create a visually attractive environment. The landscape treatment must run the full length of the parking lot perimeter between the lot line and the edge of the parking lot, with the exception of accessways. Perimeter landscape area must be a minimum of 15 feet in width.
B. Shrubs must be planted and spaced sufficiently to form a continuous linear hedgerow at plant maturity a minimum of three feet in height within three years and achieve a minimum of four feet in height. The minimum number of shrubs required is one shrub for every three linear feet. Alternatively, a mix of shrubs, perennials, native grasses, and other planting types that provide a continuous screening of a minimum of three feet in height within three years may be used.
C. A minimum of one shade tree must be provided for every 40 linear feet of perimeter landscape yard. Two ornamental trees may be substituted for one shade tree and must be spaced one ornamental tree every 20 feet. Trees may be spaced linearly on-center or grouped to complement an overall design concept.
D. 60% of the remaining landscape area outside of shrub and tree masses must be planted in live groundcover, perennials, or ornamental grasses. Mulch or other permeable landscape materials are required for any remaining area.
E. The following alternatives are allowed in place of the requirements of items B. through D. (one of the two):
1. A low pedestrian masonry, brick, or stone wall a minimum of four feet to a maximum of six feet in height may be used. A mix of shrubs, perennials, native grasses, and other planting types must be installed between the front lot line and the wall to provide a softening effect.
2. An ornamental fence that is a minimum of 50% open a minimum of four feet to a maximum of six feet in height may be used. Shrubs as required above must be planted but shade trees are not required. 60% of the landscape area outside of required shrub and any tree masses must be planted in live groundcover, perennials, or ornamental grasses. Permeable landscape materials are required for any remaining area.
(Ord. 885, passed 11-21-2023)