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   The purpose of parking lot interior landscape is to help delineate vehicular and pedestrian passageways, minimize the negative visual impact of large expanses of pavement, provide shade and reduce heat and glare, and accommodate stormwater management techniques. All parking lots of 15 or more spaces are required to install parking lot interior landscape as follows:
   A.   Where more than 15 parking stalls are provided in a row, one parking lot island must be provided between every 15 parking spaces. Parking lot island locations may be varied based on specific site requirements or design scheme, but the total number of islands must be no less than the amount required of one island for every 15 spaces.
   B.   Parking lot islands must be at least the same dimension as the parking stall. Double rows of parking must provide parking lot islands that are the same dimension as the double row.
   C.   A minimum of one shade tree must be provided in every parking lot island or landscape area. If a parking lot island extends the width of a double row, then two shade trees are required. In addition to the required shade trees, a minimum of 30% of the area of every parking lot island must be planted in shrubs, live groundcover, perennials, or ornamental grasses.
   D.   In addition to parking lot islands, additional landscape areas must be provided within the interior of parking lots when the parking area is 20,000 square feet or more in area, which includes parking stalls, islands, and area for vehicular circulation. The minimum total landscape area of a parking lot, including parking lot islands, must be 10% of the total parking lot area. Parking lot perimeter landscape is excluded from the calculation of total parking lot area square footage and is not counted toward required landscape area.
   E.   Clearly delineated crosswalks of paving, brick paver, bituminous brick pattern stamping, or painted striping must connect landscaped areas and parking lot islands to building entrances to improve safe passageway for pedestrians. Curb cuts must be included on landscaped areas or islands where such crosswalks are located.
(Ord. 885, passe d 11- 21- 2023 )