When landscape is required by this Article, the following design standards apply.
A. Minimum Planting Sizes. Minimum planting sizes are as follows. For the purposes of determining trunk size, the diameter/caliper is measured at six inches above ground level, unless otherwise specified in current ANSI accredited Horticultural Standards.
1. Evergreen trees must have a minimum height of six feet.
2. Shade trees must have a 1.5 inch caliper.
3. Single stem ornamental trees must have a 1.5 inch caliper.
4. Multiple stem ornamental trees must have a minimum height of eight feet.
5. Evergreen or deciduous shrubs must have a minimum height of 18 inches.
B. Species Diversity. Diversity among required plant material is required for visual interest and to reduce the risk of losing a large population of plants due to disease. Table 10-1: Plant Diversity Requirements indicates the percentage of diversity required based on the total quantity of species being used. (For example, if a development requires 45 shade trees, no more than 18 trees (40%) can be of one species, and there must be a minimum of five different species within the 45 trees.) When the calculation of plant diversity requirements results in a fraction, the fraction is rounded up.
C. Stormwater Management.
1. Bio-retention areas are encouraged and are considered to meet the landscaping requirements. If a stormwater management pond is proposed, it must be integrated into the overall development and serve as a visual amenity to the site.
2. Parking lot islands and landscape areas are encouraged to be designed to accommodate stormwater detention and infiltration.
(Ord. 885, passed 11-21-2023)