The following regulations govern the keeping of horses within the village and are designed to prevent nuisances and prevent conditions that are unsanitary and unsafe. The keeping of horses in the village is allowed only in conformance with the provisions of this section. No person shall keep horses in the village in violation of any of the provisions of this section.
A. The keeping of horses is allowed only on residential lots or parcels of at least 80,000 contiguous square feet in size. The owner of the horse or horses must be a resident of the dwelling on the lot or parcel upon which the horses are kept.
B. The maximum number of horses that are allowed to be kept upon any lot or parcel shall be determined by dividing the total square foot area of the single family residential lot or parcel upon which the horses are to be maintained by the number forty thousand (40,000), provided, however, the total number of horses kept or maintained upon any residential lot or parcel within the Village shall not exceed five (5). This subsection shall not apply to large stables allowed pursuant to special use ordinance, applicable court order or court approved agreement, approved and existing prior to adoption date.
C. A stable is required for the keeping of horses. No more than one stable shall be permitted per lot or parcel upon which a horse is maintained. Any accessory building intended or used for the stabling of horses shall contain one stall of a minimum of eleven and one-half feet by eleven and one-half feet (11 1/2 x 11 1/2) for each horse kept or maintained, not to exceed five (5) stalls. No stable shall be built or maintained within a required zoning setback. All stalls shall have built-in feeders and drinking water available. At least one (1) fire extinguisher shall be located in the structure in which horses are housed.
D. Each stable must be kept in good repair, maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, and free of vermin, waste accumulation, decaying food, obnoxious odors and substances. All stalls must be cleaned daily. Manure and used bedding must be removed at least weekly and disposed of in a sanitary and healthful manner. Between such removal, manure may be stored only in appropriate containers, screened from view from adjacent lots and rights-of-way. Manure shall not be allowed to be spread upon the lot or parcel.
E. Grain and other feed shall be stored in such a manner as to be protected from mice, rats and other vermin.
F. No person shall permit the keeping of horses to become a nuisance due to:
1. Noxious or offensive odors.
2. Offensive noise that disturbs the peace and quiet at any time.
3. Any other public or private nuisance resulting from the maintaining of horses whether by litter, droppings, waste, the attraction of pests or rodents, or any unsanitary conditions.
G. A loafing shed, having a roof and at least three (3) enclosed sides with the open side facing south and meeting the requirements of the zoning code, may be permitted as an accessory structure.
H. A maximum of two (2) visiting horses are permitted upon a lot or parcel at any one time. If a visiting horse remains on such lot after sunset, a loafing shed or other shelter must be provided for the temporary housing of such visiting horse.
I The following are prohibited on any lots or parcels where horses are kept:
1. The public boarding of horses is prohibited.
2. Livery stables are prohibited.
3. Horse shows or exhibitions are prohibited.
4. Instruction of riders in horsemanship shall be by private lesson only.
J. Subsection I shall not apply to any large stable allowed pursuant to special use ordinance, applicable court order or court approved agreement, approved and existing prior to adoption date, but only to the extent that such special use ordinance, applicable court order or court approved agreement allows any of the prohibited activity. Where a special use ordinance, applicable court order or court approved agreement with respect to a large stable does not address one or more of the activities set forth in Subsection I, those activities are prohibited.
(Ord. 886, passed 11-21-2023)