A. When the animal control officer receives information that a person has been bitten by an animal, the animal shall be examined by a veterinarian within twenty-four (24) hours and impounded for ten (10) days, following the first examination.
B. The veterinarian examining the biting animal shall notify Lake County Health Department and shall report the clinical condition of the animal in writing to the Lake County Health Officer within twenty-four (24) hours.
C. Impoundment at home or at a facility under the observation of a licensed veterinarian shall be dependent upon a current rabies vaccination and the ability of the animal owner to confine the biting animal.
D. Following the examination of the biting animal at the end of the ten (10) day confinement period the veterinarian shall complete the report to the Lake County Health Officer the disposition of the animal on forms provided by the Lake County Health Department.
E. The animal owner is responsible for all costs relating to the examination and impoundment of the biting animal.
F. It is unlawful for the owner of a biting animal to euthanize, sell, give away, or otherwise dispose of such animal until it is released by the Lake County Health Officer or his authorized representative.
G. Any biting animal four months of age or older not currently inoculated against rabies, shall be inoculated against rabies prior to being released from confinement.
(Ord. 886, passed 11-21-2023)