The following recitals are hereby incorporated herein.
   (A)   The Board (“Board”) of the Commuter Rail Division of the Regional Transportation Authority (“Metra”) seeks to further implement the recommendations of the Ernst and Young Executive Compensation Review of 2010 and the Blackman Kallick Risk Assessment of 2010.
   (B)   Pursuant to the Regional Transportation Authority Act (“RTA Act”), 70 ILCS 1.01 et seq., the Board has broad powers, including, but not limited to, enacting ordinances consistent with the RTA Act, entering into contracts to provide for employee benefit arrangements, establishing policies and controlling the finances of Metra.
   (C)   The Board initiated a class and compensation study, and seeks to ensure its continued active oversight of the hiring and compensation policymaking at Metra.
   (D)   On June 11, 2010, the Board enacted § 13.005, in which the Executive Director is to provide a monthly report to the Board that details personnel actions with respect to non-contract employees. The report includes all material actions taken in this regard, including new hires, promotions, separations, increases in compensation or salary and increases in benefits including contributions to 401(k) and 457b deferred compensation programs.
   (E)   On September 17, 2010, the Board enacted § 30.003, which provides that the Executive Director must receive consent from the Board before he or she exercises a waiver or deviation from the vacation carry-over/buy-out, sick leave reserve cash-out, job postings or the revolving door policies and procedures set forth in the non-contract employees handbook.
   (F)   On September 17, 2010, the Board enacted § 31.010, which provides that the Executive Director will secure Board approval for any and all contributions made by Metra to deferred compensation plans.
   (G)   On September 17, 2010, the Board enacted Chapter 54, which enacts a policy which applies to employees, officers and Board members with respect to the elimination of and safeguard against any potential nepotism.
   (H)   On September 17, 2010, the Board enacted Chapter 55 , which establishes a whistleblower policy which applies to employees, officers and Board members.
   (I)   On January 14, 2011, the Board enacted § 31.011, which eliminated any 401(k) contributions for calendar year 2011 and beyond until further Board action authorizing any such contributions.
   (J)   On April 15, 2011, the Board enacted §§ 13.125 through 13.128, which establishes that no employee reporting to the Executive Director/CEO shall serve in an acting capacity for more than 12 months without prior Board approval and such employee’s compensation will not exceed the compensation previously established for that position. It further provides that retroactive pay increases to compensate employees appointed to an acting position prior to enactment of the ordinance must be pre-approved by the Board.
   (K)   On January 12, 2012, the Board enacted §§ 13.070 through 13.080, which establishes the position of Chief Audit and Compliance Officer, reporting directly to the Board. The position is responsible for overseeing the implementation of and compliance with proper policies and procedures, including the examination of executive compensation issues at any time.
   (L)   On April 13, 2012, the Board enacted § 31.012, which establishes that the Board Chairperson, or his or her designee, is prohibited from establishing any select 457f deferred compensation plans and/or split insurance dollar programs without approval by the Board.
   (M)   On May 1, 2012, the Chief Audit and Compliance Officer appointed by the Board established the Compliance Counts telephone hotline (312-COMPLY1) and the Compliance Counts e-mail hotline (compliancecounts@metrarr.com) to be used by passengers, employees and the public for reporting any matters of concern or potential wrongdoing.
   (N)   On December 14, 2012, the Board enacted §§ 12.001 through 12.006, 12.020 through 12.025, 12.040 through 12.045, 12.060 through 12.065 and 12.080 through 12.085, which establishes four standing committees which will review Metra business practices in open public meetings.
   (O)   The Board seeks to ensure further, continued and permanent transparency of the Metra hiring and compensation program.
(Ord. MET 13-03, passed 1-17-2013)