(a)    General: Adequate and safe access to parking areas shall be constructed as approved by the City. Curb cuts/access drives shall be onto improved public streets and shall be located on the same lot with the building or use they are intended to serve. Access drives shall not be extended beyond the property line, except an easement for a shared access drive may be granted with an adjoining lot fronting on the public street. Curb cuts/access drives shall be permitted only as approved by the City. Individual properties shall be limited to one curb cut/access drive to an improved public street. Additional curb cut(s)/access drive(s) may be approved as part of a development plan.
   (b)    Residential: Access drives shall be located such that they are a maximum distance possible from street intersections. Residential drive apron access shall be onto improved public streets and limited to a maximum width of twenty-four (24)-feet as measured at the public right-of-way. Driveway apron turnouts shall be three (3) feet wide (minimum) or as approved by the City and shall not encroach on an extension of the property line at the curb unless approved as part of a development plan. All drive aprons shall be paved to conform to Section 1115.03(i).
   (c)    Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family:
      (1)   Drive apron and access drive design geometries including width shall be approved per development plan by the City. Drive apron access shall be improved to conform to O.D.O.T. Location and Design Manual. All drive aprons shall be paved to conform to Section 1115.03 (i). Access drives shall be designed to accommodate emergency vehicles with an inside turning radius of twenty-five (25) feet and an outside turning radius of fifty (50) feet.
      (2)   Shared access drives may be permitted as approved by the City.
      (3)   Required widths for access drives and parking aisles for off-street parking areas are as follows. Access drive widths may be modified as part of a development plan approval. A twenty-eight (28)-feet minimum two-way access width is established for land use establishments requiring truck deliveries in order to provide adequate maneuvering width for ingress and egress into the parking lot from the street right-of-way.
Required Width
Two-way access drives (Truck Deliveries)
Two-way access drives
One-way access drives
Two-way parking aisles
One-way parking aisles (Parking angle)
   90 degree
   60 degree
   45 degree
   30 degree
         (Ord. 13-O-57. Passed 9-3-13.)