(a)    All improvements required by this Zoning Code shall be installed at the cost of the developer and in accordance with design and construction standards of the City of Mentor.
   (b)    Prior to approval of any site plan, there shall be executed by the owner or developer and submitted with the site plan an agreement to construct such required physical improvements as are located within public rights-of-way or easements or as are connected to any public facility in form and substance as approved by the City, together with a bond with surety, cashiers check or escrow account in the amount of the estimated cost of the required improvements as determined by the City Engineer. The aforesaid agreement and bond or condition shall be provided for completion of all work covered thereby within the time to be determined by the Administrator, which time may be extended upon written application by the owner or developer, signed by all parties (including sureties) to the original agreement.
   The City Engineer may also require a restoration bond. Said bond shall be to insure repair of any damage done to existing curb, gutter, sidewalk, street pavement, landscaping, or other items within the right-of-way adjacent to a project. The amount of said bond shall be as determined by the City Engineer based on his estimate of potential damage.
   Any person, firm, corporation, owner or lessee of any lot or land, constructing or causing to construct access to any public roadway in the City, except from residential subdivisions totaling five (5) acres or less, shall first present to the City the results of a trip generation study and traffic impact study performed by an engineer qualified and pre-approved by the City Engineer. The trip generation and the traffic impact study shall describe the maximum anticipated traffic volumes by location and direction to be generated and which will impact the road system during a peak design hour in the year of construction plus twenty (20) years. The report shall also provide the means to compensate, for any degradation of the traffic services existing on the City roadway system to the City Engineer's satisfaction prior to the granting of a permit for construction. Improvements to the City roadway system shall be constructed as part of the development and its permit, the developer shall provide inspection fees, a testing deposit and a surety representing 100% of the cost of improvements.
   (c)    All street construction standards and geometric design standards shall be in accord with those specified by the Subdivision Ordinance of the City (Chapters 1103 through 1117) except where specifically modified by the City Engineer.
   (d)    Private vehicular travel lanes or driveways designed to permit vehicular travel on the site and to and from adjacent property and parking areas shall be constructed not less than twenty (20) feet in width.
   (e)    No structure shall be located less than five feet from any easement.
   (f)    Adequate drainage for the disposition of storm and natural waters both on and off-site shall be provided. The extent of both on-site and off-site treatment shall be as required by Chapter 1352 of the Mentor Code of Ordinances.
   (g)    Water service shall be based on the requirements of Aqua Ohio, Inc. and the City Engineer.
   (h)    Sanitary sewer facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the Lake County Sanitary Engineer, the Lake County Board of Health, and the City Engineer.
   (i)    In the preparation of site development plans, consideration will be given to provide suitable areas for parks, schools, open space, and other areas of public recreational use, especially when such facilities are proposed in the area under consideration in the Comprehensive Plan for the City.
   (j)    Fire hydrants shall be provided as approved by the City Engineer and Fire Chief.
   (k)    Provision shall be made for sidewalks and pedestrian walkways which will enable patrons, residents and/or tenants to walk safely and conveniently from one building to another within the site and to buildings and/or uses on adjacent sites as well. Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the standards contained in the Subdivision Regulations.
   (l)    Landscape planting, screening, fences, and other physical improvements approved as part of the landscape plan, as required by Chapter 1162, shall be provided by the developer.
(Ord. 10-O-91. Passed 10-5-10.)