At the time of preliminary site plan review, the Planning Commission or Administrator shall specify which of the following data shall be contained in the final site plan.
    (a)    The owners, zoning and present use of adjoining tracts.
    (b)    Location of all minimum building setback lines.
   (c)    Location, type and size of vehicular ingress and egress to the site.
   (d)    A boundary survey.
   (e)    Location, type, size and height of all fencing, screening, and retaining walls where required under the provisions of this chapter.
   (f)   Existing topography with a maximum of two-foot contour intervals and the proposed finished grading by contour.
   (g)    Detailed erosion and sediment control (E&SC) plans as required by Chapter 1353 of the Building Code.
   (h)    All off-street parking and parking bays, loading spaces and walkways indicating type of surfacing and showing the number of parking spaces provided and the number required.
   (i)    Number of floors, floor area, height and location of each building, and proposed general use for each building. In a multi-family residential building, number, size, and type of dwelling units shall be shown.
   (j)    Building elevations, depicting actual composition and architectural style for all proposed structures.
   (k)    Provisions for the adequate disposition of natural and storm water on and off- site, in accordance with the current design criteria and construction standards of the City of Mentor including, but not limited to, the calculation of the contributing drainage area in acres and the location, size, type and grade of ditches, catch basins, inlets, pipes, and other drainage structures as required by Chapter 1352 of the Mentor Code of Ordinances.
   (l)    All existing and proposed sanitary sewer facilities indicating all pipe sizes, types, grades, invert elevations, location of manholes, and such other data as may be deemed necessary by the City Engineer.
   (m)    All existing and proposed water facilities including all water mains, their sizes, valves and fire hydrant locations.
   (n)    The location of any proposed refuse removal pads.
   (o)    Location and size of all recreation and open space areas.
   (p)    A landscape plan prepared in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 1162.
    (q)    Flood plain limits which shall be established by Flood Hazard Maps on file in the Department of Planning and Development and/or engineering methods.
   (r)    The location, width, size and intended purpose of all easements and rights-of- way and whether they are to be publicly or privately maintained. A plan copy, suitable for recording, shall be submitted showing any rights-of-way and/or easements for public dedication.
   (s)    The following data relative to all existing and proposed streets: location, width, names, curve data, grades, and sight distances. Typical sections shall be provided for all proposed streets or travelways.
    (t)    Such other relevant data as the Planning Commission or Administrator may require.
   (u)    A traffic impact study shall be performed by an engineer qualified and preapproved by the City Engineer, unless waived for good cause shown.
    (v)    The locations of water resources and jurisdictional wetlands as required by Chapters 1352 and 1353 of the Mentor Code of Ordinances.
      (Ord. 10-O-91. Passed 10-5-10; Ord. 18-O-075. Passed 9-4-18.)