Every preliminary site plan submitted in accordance with this chapter shall contain the following information:
   (a)    Location and acreage of various types of land use.
   (b)    A topographic map with a contour interval of two feet.
   (c)    Location, names, and dimensions of proposed and existing streets, buildings, easements and drainageways.
   (d)    Preliminary plans for the provision of utilities including, but not limited to, the methods for handling drainage, erosion and sediment control and storm water management per Chapters 1352 and 1353 of the Building Code, water supply and sewage disposal.
   (e)    Proposed parking layout including ingress and egress.
   (f)   A trip generation study.
   (g)   A landscape plan prepared in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 1162.
   (h)    The location of any jurisdictional wetlands on the site as delineated by an expert acceptable to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
   (i)    Such other relevant data as the Municipal Planning Commission or Administrator may require.
       (Ord. 10-O-91. Passed 10-5-10.)