7-3-1: Recitals
7-3-2: Definitions
7-3-3: Permit Required
7-3-4: Exceptions
7-3-5: Special Event Permit Application
7-3-6: Requirements
7-3-7: Fee
7-3-8: Denial And Appeal Procedure
7-3-9: Violation And Penalties
7-3-1: RECITALS:
   A.   The city council of the city of Melba recognizes that members of the community may desire to hold special events that may impact or make use of public property, including the highways of the city system; and
   B.   The city council desires to provide for the orderly use of public property, while also protecting the safety and general welfare of its citizens; and
   C.   The city has jurisdiction over the permitting of special events under its authority to license and regulate such events for the purpose of maintaining the peace under Idaho Code section 50-308; and
   D.   The city has authority and supervision over the use and control of its streets and public places under Idaho Code sections 50-313 and 50-314. (Ord. 227, 12-8-2008)
   APPLICANT: A person, association, corporation, organization, or other entity applying for a special event permit.
   SPECIAL EVENT: An event such as a concert, parade, circus, fair, festival, block party, community event, fundraising event, and/or private party, including:
   A.   Any organized formation, parade, procession, or assembly and which may include animals and/or vehicles and will assemble on, use, and/or travel on any street and does not comply with usual traffic regulations or controls; and/or
   B.   Any organized assembly at any public park or other public property which gathers for a common purpose under the direction and control of a person or organization; and/or
   C.   Any organized activity conducted by a person or organization for a common or collective use, purpose, or benefit that involves the use of or has an impact on public property or facilities and the provision of city public services, particularly public safety, in response thereto.
   SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: The permit required by this chapter for any special event and which is issued by the city of Melba (also referred to as "permit").
   SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM: An application form for a special event permit. The form will be available from the city clerk.
   VENUE: The area or location for which a special event permit has been issued. (Ord. 227, 12-8-2008)