(a) Markers. Before any work requiring a permit is begun on a new building, or on an addition to an existing building, all boundary line intersections of the site, where the building or addition is to be located, shall be marked with permanent markers. If it is impossible to maintain the markers during construction, accurately located off-set markers may be used. The off-set markers shall be set as to be easily located at any time during the construction of the building or structure.
(b) Sewers and Drains. All buildings hereafter constructed shall be set at elevations which will facilitate proper surface water drainage.
(1) The established sidewalk grade must be shown on all applications to build where required.
(Ord. 68-58. Passed 5-4-59.)
(2) Where no sanitary sewer is available at the building site or lot, the building application must be approved by the Health Department, showing that the site is suitable for the installation of a septic tank and leaching device, or approved disposal system.
(c) Location. The location of all new construction as shown on the approved plot diagram, or an approved amendment thereof, shall be strictly adhered to.
(d) Reducing Areas. No person shall reduce or diminish the area of a lot or plot diagramed, filed and used as the basis for a permit unless a revised plot diagram, showing the proposed change in conditions, has been filed and approved by the building official. This provision shall not apply when the lot is reduced by reason of a street opening or widening, or other public improvement.
(Ord. 68-58. Passed 5-4-59; Ord. 87-65. Passed 9-12-66.)
(e) Plan Requirements. Five copies of a plot plan shall be submitted prior to application for a permit to build and shall show the following items unless such requirement is waived by the City Engineer. (Any building permit not requiring a plot plan shall be submitted to the Chief Building Official with a written waiver of this requirement from the City Engineer stating the reasons for the waiver.)
(1) Plan view and dimensions of dwelling, attached garages, unattached garages and other accessory buildings.
(2) Existing elevations of curb and crown of the street at point of extension of the lot line.
(3) Existing and finish grade elevation at each principal corner of structure and parcel.
(4) Finish grade at both sides of abrupt changes of grade, such as retaining walls, slopes, etc.
(5) Other elevations that may be necessary to show grading and drainage.
(6) Finish grade of first floor, garage floor, bottom of footer and top of block or foundation wall.
(7) Show all existing utilities on or adjacent to the parcel, including all manholes with flowlines, inlet basins, hydrants and other appurtenances.
(8) The scale of the plot plan shall be not less than one inch equals fifty feet.
(9) City lot number, street address and permanent parcel number.
(10) Provide dimensions of lot and indicate north point.
(11) Dimension of front, rear and side yards.
(12) Location of walks, driveways and approaches shall be shown.
(13) Show location and dimensions of all easements.
(14) Indicate location, width of pavement and right of way. Indicate type of surface on street.
(15) Indicate location and corner grade elevation of existing dwelling on adjacent lots.
(16) Top of foundation wall elevation check: Upon completion of the installation of the foundation wall, the builder shall submit to the City Engineer a certified top of foundation wall elevation, prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor, which is to be checked against the topographic survey approved by the City Engineer. Any change in the existing foundation wall elevation from the approved elevation shall be approved by the City Engineer or his designated representative. No additional work after the foundation wall is installed shall be done by the builder until the existing foundation wall elevation is approved by the City Engineer or his designated representative.
(17) Final grade elevation check: Upon completion of the grading of a lot, the builder shall submit to the City Engineer a certified topographic map of the lot, prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor, to be checked against the topographic survey approved by the City Engineer. This topographic survey shall include the ground elevations at all corners of the structure and along all swales or drainage courses located on the property at a minimum of fifty foot intervals to insure that positive surface drainage is provided. Any variation in the topo from the approved elevations shall be corrected or the new elevations approved by the City Engineer or his designated representative.
(Ord. 81-94. Passed 4-25-94.)
(f) Plans and Specifications. The Building Department shall require the submission of three sets of plans which describe the project in the manner and form hereinafter set forth, and which bear on each sheet, the unqualified signature and seal of a registered architect or registered engineer as defined in Chapter 1303
, Subsections 1303.08
and 1303.23
The Building Department may promulgate the form for signature by the architect or engineer and the form shall demonstrate that plans submitted were prepared by or under the supervision of the architect or engineer.
Plans and specifications shall include at least the following:
(1) Structural drawings, showing the unit stresses and live loads used in the building design with tabulations thereof and prepared in compliance with this Building Code and all other pertinent laws and ordinances.
(2) Electrical plans and diagrams, showing layout and specifications for all work where an electrical installation or change is made.
(3) Mechanical plans, showing heating, ventilating and plumbing plans and diagrams for all projects where such work is included.
(4) The Building Department shall examine, or cause to be examined, each application submitted for a building permit. If the Building Department is satisfied the plans and other matter submitted therewith conform to requirements of this Code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, the plans shall be endorsed in writing, or stamped "Approved" and the approval shall bear the signature of the person who checked the plans and other matter submitted with the plans.
(5) One set of plans submitted as hereinbefore set forth shall become the property of the Building Department, whether approved or rejected, and one set of approved plans shall be maintained on the job site and available to the Chief Building Official or inspectors at all times work is in progress.
(Ord. 58-80. Passed 5- 12-80.)