General Provisions
5.6.01 Obstructions upon curb line of improved streets
5.6.02 Obstructing streets and sidewalks; exemptions
5.6.03—5.6.09. Reserved.
Construction and Repair of and Removal of Ice and Snow from Sidewalks
5.6.10 Street and sidewalk grades
5.6.11 Sidewalk construction and repair
5.6.12 Permits required
5.6.13 Enforcement
5.6.14 Snow and ice removal
5.6.15—5.6.29. Reserved.
Lot and Building Numbering
5.6.30 Definitions
5.6.31 Numbering north and south streets
5.6.32 Numbering east and west streets
5.6.33 Allocation of numbers
5.6.34 Map and numbering
5.6.35 Future numbering of properties outside of areas with established blocks
Required improvements, see § 15.4.11