All numbering shall commence at the dividing street and there shall be assigned a unit of 100 for each block with even numbers on the east and the south side of all streets, and odd numbers on the west and north side of all streets. In all cases where an intersecting street shall not continue entirely across the City, the lots and buildings shall be so numbered so that all lots and buildings the same distance from the base line shall have approximately the same numbers. All lots and houses shall be numbered commencing with the hundred assigned to that block, and numbers shall increase from the base line, 1 number for each 20 feet of frontage or fraction thereof except where impractical or impossible because of compliance with the provisions of the preceding sentence. Where any building has more than 1 door serving separate occupants, a separate number shall be assigned to each door serving a separate occupant, providing the building is more than 20 feet in width. If the building is 20 feet or less in width the next consecutive number shall be marked fractional. Buildings fronting on 2 or more streets shall have a number assigned only to the main entrance, unless other entrances serve different occupants. Where only 1 number can be assigned to any house or building, the numbers for each individual dwelling unit of any such house or building shall be internally numbered.
(Ord. 742, passed 8-19-97) Penalty, see § 1.1.99