(a) Work included.
(1) All sanitary sewer pipe and appurtenances shall conform with the most current editions of City of Mason Public Utilities Department Water and Sewer Construction Rules and Regulations and Standard Construction Drawings. The contractor shall, under this item, furnish pipe and joint materials and lay pipe, perform special tamping and backfill, connect house services and completely lay and construct, at the locations shown on the drawings or as directed, all sanitary sewer and drain pipe of the sizes specified or as shown which are necessary for the proper completion of the work included under the contract.
(2) This item does not include excavation and backfill, the removal and restoration of pavement, the removal of surplus excavation or the cleanup of streets and premises after construction.
(b) Quality of pipe.
(1) All pipe and specials shall be of the best quality, and of the sizes and dimensions shown or specified.
(2) No old pipes or specials that have been previously used shall be allowed in the work specified herein.
(3) All pipes shall meet the requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials, which, except as herein modified, are hereby made a part of these specifications.
(c) Pipe dimension. The sizes of pipe and specials mentioned herein or shown on the drawings refer to inside diameters. Straight pipe shall be furnished in minimum lengths of ten feet.
(d) Encasement. If required by the Public Utilities Director, sewer pipe shall be encased or supported, at locations as directed, with concrete as specified. Concrete so used shall be paid for under the provisions except that encasement of the vertical drop pipes and the tees and ells used in construction drop manholes are parts of the structure and are included in the price bid for drop manholes.
(e) Laying pipe.
(1) Trenches shall be excavated as described in these specifications. The bottom shall be shaped to receive the pipe and ample holes dug at the joints. When rock is encountered in the trench, the bottom shall be excavated below grade sufficiently to ensure that the pipe shall not come in contact with the rock. Refill to grade shall be made with compacted fine material. No pipe shall be laid in the absence of the Inspector, unless otherwise approved.
(2) All pipe shall be laid to conform to the lines and grades given by the Public Utilities Director, starting at the low point with hub ends up-grade and the first length anchored to prevent movement. Appropriate equipment shall be used to transfer grades from stakes to the flow line of the sewer pipe. Pipe shall be laid so as to secure firm and even bearing for its full length and so as to secure close joints and continuous invert. Approved bedding and backfill shall be tamped around each pipe as laid.
(3) Water shall not be allowed to accumulate in the ditch as pipe is being laid nor shall water be allowed to flow away through newly laid pipe.
(4) Pits or sumps shall be dug at intervals spaced according to conditions and the water removed from the pits by pumping. Sewer pipe shall not be laid in water or with wet joints regardless of the type of pipe or type of joint used.
(4) Pipe disturbed during or after laying shall be relaid immediately.
(5) At the close of each day’s work, and at all other times when pipe is not being laid, the end and laterals shall be protected with a close fitting stopper.
(6) Wye branches for connection shall be furnished and laid at locations as directed.
(f) Joints.
(1) All pipe shall be coupled according to ASTM requirements and pipe industry recommendations, and shall be approved by the Public Utilities Director. All coupling ends of pipe shall be smooth and concentric.
(2) Joint collars broken or deformed from any cause shall be rejected. Patching of broken or deformed pipe will not be permitted. Sewer pipe with broken or deformed joints shall be removed from the site of the work and not left with other pipe.
(g) House services.
(1) All house services shall extend from the main sewer to the property line through all utility easements and shall be laid with six-inch minimum approved pipe only, irrespective of the type of pipe chosen for the main sewer. One wye shall connect the main with the six-inch service line. The service line shall be laid approximately at right angles to the main line and the outer end shall be closed with a stopper. A two by two-inch or one by two-inch timber shall extend from the end of the service line to ground level.
(2) House services shall be laid at a grade not less than one-fourth inch in one foot and not more than one inch in one foot unless otherwise ordered by the Public Utilities Director.
(3) Placing, jointing, tamping and backfilling shall be as described herein.
(Ord. 90-61, passed 5-14-1990)