(a) Work included. Under this item, the contractor shall furnish all materials and labor necessary and shall build manholes where shown or ordered and as shown and specified.
(b) Materials and construction. Manholes shall have a minimum inside diameter of four feet with minimum eight-inch walls and shall be built of precast concrete unless otherwise specified by the Public Utilities Director. Interior joints shall be sealed in accordance with the city’s standard and steps shall be in accordance with the city’s standard.
(Ord. 90-61, passed 5-14-1990)
(a) Work included. Under this item the contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary and shall construct the required inlets complete with covers as shown, including excavation, backfill, setting of precast structure and placing of the outlet pipe.
(b) Materials. Inlets shall be designed according to ODOT Specifications and shall be built of precast concrete unless otherwise specified by the Engineer.
(c) Construction.
(1) Inlets shall be built to the shape and size shown on the contract and drawing. The bottom shall slope toward the outlet pipe. The top surfaces of the structure shall be smoothed so as to receive the covers without rocking.
(2) Space around the inlet structure shall be backfilled and tamped. All forms and debris shall first be removed. The cover shall be put in place and the inlet boarded up unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
(Ord. 90-61, passed 5-14-1990)