The Council may create such other boards and commissions as it determines necessary and proper, subject to the limitations set forth in Section 3.07 F. of this Charter; and the composition, term of office of members and their method of appointment, as well as the powers, duties and functions of such other boards and commissions shall be as determined by Council.
At the first meeting of each new year of each of the Planning Commission, Zoning, Housing and Building Appeals Board, Personnel Review Board, Park and Recreation Board, and other boards and commissions created under this Charter by the Council, the members of such boards and commissions shall elect a chairman, vice chairman and a secretary by a majority vote of the members appointed to such board or commission. The chairman, vice chairman, and secretary of each board or commission shall serve at the pleasure of such board or commission and until successors are elected by such board or commission. The chairman and vice chairman of each such board or commission shall be a member of such board or commission, but in no event shall the chairman or vice chairman of any such board or commission, in his dual capacity as a member and presiding officer, cast more than one vote on any action. The secretary of each such board or commission may be elected from within or without the membership of such board or commission, and may hold other office or employment with the Municipality. The secretary of each such board or commission shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of such board or commission. The Council shall, upon the request of any board or commission appropriate an adequate sum of money to secure the services of a competent secretary. All records of proceedings of boards and commissions shall be maintained at the Municipal Building.
A majority of the members of each of the boards and commissions hereinabove referred to shall constitute a quorum for meetings of such board or commission; and a majority vote of the members appointed to each such board or commission shall be necessary to take any action and for the passage of motions by such board or commission. Rules providing for the number and manner of calling regular and special meetings, and to provide for the conduct and government of meetings of each such board or commission, may be adopted by a majority vote of the members of each such board or commission; however, such rules shall not conflict with the provisions of this Charter or any ordinance passed by the Council. The Planning Commission, Zoning, Housing and Building Appeals Board, and the Park and Recreation Board shall meet at least once a month, unless such board or commission shall determine at a previous meeting that meetings shall not be held in any month or unless the Chairman of such board or commission shall determine that a meeting shall not be held due to a lack of business to be conducted. The Personnel Review Board shall meet at least once a year in the month of January; upon notice of appeals as provided for under the rules promulgated by the head of the Department of Personnel under Section 6.11 of this Charter; and at such other times as it shall determine to be necessary or advisable. Other boards and commissions shall meet at such frequency as they shall determine to be necessary or advisable.
Members of all boards and commissions created under this Charter, except the Park and Recreation Board, shall have been electors of the Municipality for at least two continuous years immediately prior to their appointment, and shall continue to be qualified electors of the Municipality during their respective terms of office. All members of the Park and Recreation Board shall be electors of the Municipality at the time of their appointment, and shall continue to be qualified electors of the Municipality during their respective terms of office. Members of all boards and commissions shall serve until their successors are selected and qualified.
(Amended November 3, 1987)
Unless otherwise provided by this Charter, a vacancy during the term of any member of a board or commission created by this Charter or by ordinance of the Council shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner authorized for an original appointment.
That notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter, no person shall be eligible for membership on any board or commission without being a registered voter of the City of Mason. Qualifications as a registered voter shall be the same as those which may be required from time to time by the election laws of the Revised Code of the State of Ohio. Any provision of this Charter inconsistent herewith is repealed.
(Added November 4, 1975)
Nominations for members of Council shall be made only by petition signed by qualified electors of the Municipality not less in number than twenty-five. Such petitions shall be accompanied by a declaration of candidacy and shall be filed with the election authorities not later than 4:00 p.m. of the ninetieth day before the date of the regular Municipal election.
If the nominating petition or declaration of candidacy is found by the election authorities to contain any defect that would prevent the candidate's name from being placed on the ballot, the election authorities shall immediately notify the candidate who shall then have ten days to correct any such defect.
No primary election shall be held for Council candidates.
(Amended November 6, 1984; November 6, 2012)