A.   Location: Accessory buildings shall be located in and not occupy more than thirty percent (30%) of the rear yard. A detached accessory garage may be located in a side yard if all other accessory building setbacks and bulk requirements are met.
   B.   Cumulative Area:
      1.   On zoning lots of up to two (2) acres in area, accessory buildings shall not exceed a cumulative area of more than one thousand two hundred (1,200) square feet measured at the exterior dimensions of the ground floor, but in any case, up to six hundred (600) square feet shall be allowed as a minimum.
      2.   On zoning lots greater than two (2) acres, a cumulative total area shall not exceed two thousand four hundred (2,400) square feet measured at the exterior dimensions of the ground floor.
      3.   On any lot, a maximum of two (2) buildings measuring no more than eighty (80) square feet each, such as garden sheds, playhouses, or storage or maintenance sheds, shall not be considered as part of the overall accessory building square foot calculation.
   C.   Architectural Style And Building Materials: The architectural style and building materials of all accessory buildings within the Z3 District shall be compatible with those of the principal building on the lot.
   D.   Conditional Use Permit: An application for a conditional use permit as set forth in section 12-5-5 of this title may be submitted to request an increase in accessory building size, but in no case shall the total building area occupy more than thirty percent (30%) of the rear yard. (Ord. 11-09, 8-16-2011; amd. 2017 Code)