A.   Final Subdivision Approval Required: Land which forms part of a subdivision requiring Council approval under these regulations shall not be sold before Council grants final subdivision approval, except pursuant to an agreement expressly conditioned on final subdivision approval.
   B.   Land Division Approval Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to transfer or sell any division which requires approval under this title without first having obtained approval by the City. Each such attempt, agreement, transfer or sale shall be deemed a separate violation.
   C.   Preventive Actions: In addition to the foregoing, the City may institute injunctive, mandamus or other appropriate action or proceedings to prevent any pending sale or transfer or to prevent any further sale or transfer in violation of this title.
   D.   Penalties: A violation of any provision of this title shall be considered a misdemeanor and punished accordingly. Each day that a violation occurs and/or is permitted to exist constitutes a separate offense. (Ord. 15-3, 6-2-2015)