The commission shall elect a Chairperson from among its members. (Ord. 87-20, 9-21-1987)
For purposes of this chapter, the City Clerk, or a designee of the City Clerk, shall be Clerk of the commission and custodian of all records of the commission. If an employee is appointed Clerk of the commission who is employed in a civil service status at the time of appointment as Clerk of the commission, the appointee shall retain the civil service rights held before the appointment. (Ord. 97-22, 9-2-1997)
The Civil Service Commission shall keep a record of all its meetings and also a complete individual service record of each civil service employee which record shall be permanent and kept up to date.
When duly certified by the Clerk of the commission, copies of all records and entries or papers pertaining to said record shall be admissible in evidence with the same force and effect as the originals. All civil service records shall be confidential except as otherwise provided by State law, and shall be kept under locked file. (Ord. 87-20, 9-21-1987)