It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a vehicle having a gross weight in excess of an established weight as set by the City Engineer for a public way. The exception is City vehicles providing essential services such as snow removal and garbage collection.
   A.   Streets to which weight limitations have been established at twenty thousand (20,000) pounds are as follows:
      Cerro Gordo Way from Garfield Avenue to Fourth Street Southwest.
      North Adams Avenue from Twelfth Street Northwest to Sixteenth Street Northwest.
      North Jefferson Avenue from Twelfth Street Northwest to Sixteenth Street Northwest.
      North Madison Avenue from Twelfth Street Northwest to Sixteenth Street Northwest.
      North President Avenue from Twelfth Street Northwest to Seventeenth Street Northwest.
      North Washington Avenue from Twelfth Street Northwest to Seventeenth Street Northwest.
      South Hampshire Avenue from Twelfth Street Southeast to Nineteenth Street Southeast.
      South Massachusetts Avenue from Twelfth Street Southeast to Nineteenth Street Southeast.
      First Street Northwest from west line of North Pierce Avenue to east line of East Parkridge Drive and Winnebago Way from east line of East Parkridge Drive to north line of Fourth Street Southwest (Highway 18 west).
      Sixth Street Southeast from South Massachusetts Avenue to South Carolina Avenue.
      Eleventh Street Southwest from Federal Avenue to Washington Avenue.
      Fourteenth Street Northwest from North Federal Avenue to North Quincy Avenue.
      Fifteenth Street Northwest from Federal Avenue to Quincy Avenue.
      Sixteenth Street Northwest from North Federal Avenue to North Quincy Avenue.
   B.   Bridges to which weight limitations have been established are as follows:
      1.   Bridge on Willowbrook Drive between Brook Terrace and Meadow Lane, weight limitation established at twelve thousand (12,000) pounds.
   C.   The Engineering Department is hereby ordered to post appropriate signs on said designated public ways giving notice of said weight limit.
   D.   Weight restrictions established on streets, avenues or alleys should not be applicable to the driving or operation of any such truck or commercial vehicle upon the streets, avenues or alleys designated if such driving or operation is necessary in the conduct of a business in order to reach destinations abutting such designated street or if the destination cannot be reached except by driving on such designated street nor shall this restriction be applicable to emergency vehicles responding to an emergency call. (Ord. 11-15, 9-20-2011; amd. 2017 Code; Ord. 20-9, 10-20-2020; Ord. 24-4, 3-19-2024)