The provisions of section 376.9, Iowa Code, providing for a runoff election are hereby adopted in lieu of the requirement for a primary in sections 376.6 and 376.7 thereof. (Ord. 97-24, 10-7-1997; amd. 2017 Code)
Each candidate at a Municipal election receiving a majority of all votes cast for the office sought shall be declared elected. A runoff election shall be held only for positions unfilled because of failure of a sufficient number of candidates to receive a majority vote in the regular City election. Candidates for runoff are those who do not receive a majority of the votes cast for the office for which they have filed as follows:
   A.   If no candidate for a single office receives a majority of the votes cast for that office, the two (2) candidates receiving the largest number of votes shall be placed upon the runoff ballot.
   B.   In an at large election to fill more than one (1) position, any candidate receiving a "majority" of the votes as defined in section 1-9-1 of this chapter shall be declared elected. If a sufficient number of candidates do not receive a majority of the votes to fill all of the positions, those candidates receiving the highest number of votes less than a majority equal to twice the number of positions remaining to be filled shall be placed on the runoff ballot.
Any such runoff election shall be held four (4) weeks after the date of the regular City election and shall be conducted in the same manner as regular City elections.
Candidates in the runoff election who receive the highest number of votes cast for each office on the ballot are elected to the extent necessary to fill the positions open. (Ord. 97-24, 10-7-1997)