A.   The commission shall initially consist of five (5) members who shall be residents of the City.
   B.   Members of the commission shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. Members shall demonstrate a passion for science, technology, education, safety, and quality of life.
   C.   The Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, shall appoint a total of five (5) Commissioners. In addition, there shall be the following ex officio member representatives: Mason City Information Technology representative, City Engineering representative, and a representative from Operations and Maintenance Department for Mason City. Three (3) members shall serve three (3) year terms and two (2) members shall serve two (2) year terms after initial appointments. After establishment, future terms will be three (3) year terms.
   D.   Members may serve for more than one term and each member shall serve until the appointment of a successor.
   E.   Vacancies occurring in the commission, other than expiration of term of office, shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term of the member replaced.
   F.   Vacancies shall be filled by the City according to the original selection as aforesaid.
   G.   The Mayor and City Council may appoint a member of the Council as a nonvoting ex officio member to such commission.
   H.   The commission shall appoint a Chairperson and Vice Chair from its members.
   I.   Members shall serve without compensation.
   J.   A simple majority of voting members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
   K.   The commission will designate a member to serve as the Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining written records of the commission's proceedings. (Ord. 18-6, 7-2-2018)