The following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them for the purpose of the regulations in this section.
ANTIQUE DEALER. Any dealer primarily engaged in the buying and selling of collectible objects, including but not limited to pieces of furniture or works of art that have high value because of the item’s considerable age.
BULLION. Any bar, ingot or coin comprised of one or more precious metals, including but not limited to gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, and which can be exchanged on the basis of the commodity market price for its metal composition.
ENGAGED IN or CONDUCTING BUSINESS. The purchase, sale, barter, pawn, or exchange of any item in this section, including the advertising therefor, by any business entity or individual subject to state sales tax in the city.
ITINERANT DEALER. Any dealer as defined herein who engages or has engaged in any temporary or transient business conducted in a shop, room, hotel room, motel room, or other premises used for any duration less than 30 consecutive days or used on a temporary basis.
MOTOR VEHICLE JUNKYARD. Any place, parcel, or tract of ground, wherein or whereon there is assembled or brought together six or more used, damaged, obsolete, worn out, or discarded motor vehicles for the purpose of stripping, wrecking, disassembling, or otherwise reducing the vehicles into their several component parts for the purpose of salvaging the materials or parts thereof.
PAWNBROKER. Any person who shall in any manner lend or advance money or other things for profit on the pledge or possession of personal property, or other valuable things, other than securities or written evidence of indebtedness, or who deals in the purchasing of personal property or other valuable things on condition of selling the same back to the seller at a stipulated price.
SECONDHAND DEALER. Any person who engages in the business of purchasing, selling, receiving, trading, consignment selling or otherwise transferring for value any secondhand property. This definition shall include the use of any automated or camera-enabled kiosk used to purchase secondhand goods from a seller without the buyer’s physical presence.
SECONDHAND GOODS. Tangible personal property previously owned by another person, whether used or not, which property, in its present state, possesses utility for the purpose for which it was originally intended.
(1) Items made in whole or in part of gold, silver, platinum, copper, or other precious metals;
(2) Items containing or consisting of precious or semiprecious gemstones or other polished stones used for decoration or jewelry;
(3) Fashion accessories with a sale value of $100 or more;
(4) Articles with serial numbers, model numbers, or other identifying marks, including, but not limited to appliances, tools, radios, stereo equipment, radar detectors, televisions, cellular phones, video recorders, camcorders, video equipment, computers, computer equipment and accessories, digital music recorders and players, and cameras;
(5) Musical instruments;
(6) Rifles, shotguns, handguns, and other firearms;
(7) Auto parts; and any other item of value, except:
(8) Music or movie cassette tapes and discs, record albums, computer software and diskettes, and video game cartridges;
(9) Clothing;
(10) One or more coins collected or exchanged for their numismatic value, where the scarcity, historical significance, quality, and other unique factors determine the market value of a coin rather than the commodity price of the metals that comprise it;
(11) Books and textbooks; and
(12) Clothes washers and dryers, refrigerators.
TRANSACTION. Any purchase, sale, barter, pawn, or exchange of any item.
(Ord. 15053, passed 11-28-2022)
(A) A secondhand dealer or pawnbroker as defined above must apply for and obtain a permit prior to being engaged in or conducting business as a secondhand dealer or pawnbroker. Such permit shall be posted conspicuously in each place of business named therein.
(B) Itinerant dealers as defined above must apply for and obtain a permit prior to engaging in or conducting business in the city.
(Ord. 15053, passed 11-28-2022)
(A) The applicant shall file a written, sworn application provided by the City Clerk. The application must be signed by the applicant, if an individual; by all partners, if a partnership; or by the president, if a corporation;
(B) The application shall include the name of the principals, agents, and employees of the applicant's business during the time that it is proposed that such business will be carried on in the city; the local address or addresses of such person or persons while engaged in such business; the permanent address or addresses of such person or persons; the capacity in which such person or persons will act (as proprietor, agent, employee or otherwise); the name and the address of the person, firm or corporation for whose account the business will be carried on if any; and if a corporation, under the laws of what state it is incorporated;
(C) The place or places in the city where it is proposed to carry on the applicant's business, and the length of time during which it is proposed that said business shall be conducted;
(D) The place or places, other than the permanent place of business of the applicant, where the applicant within the next six months preceding the date of said application conducted an itinerant business, stating the nature thereof and giving the post office and street address of any building or office in which such business was conducted; and
(E) Credentials from the person, firm, or corporation for which the applicant proposed to do business, authorizing the applicant to act as such representative.
(Ord. 15053, passed 11-28-2022)