(A)   A temporary sign may include the following:
      (1)   Decorations and banners. Decorations and banners for the promotion of civic, welfare, or charitable enterprises erected for a stated period of time and which shall be removed within 24 hours after the expiration of that time may be authorized by the Mayor;
      (2)   Advertising signs. Advertising signs within store window subject to requirements in § 151.127.
      (3)   Construction signs. Construction signs advertising the identity of a construction company, repair company, landscaper, architect, or other entity are specifically not permitted in any yard. Contractors performing work for which a building permit has been secured, are required to erect a 12-inch wide by 8-inch double faced sign painted white with six-inch black machine letters denoting the address of the property. Such sign shall be placed five feet inside the property for the purpose of directing delivery trucks to the property in an expeditious fashion. Address sign shall be promptly removed at the conclusion of construction.
      (4)   Real estate signs. Non-illuminated signs advertising the sale, rental, or lease of the premises on which the sign is located. Not more than one such sign shall be permitted for each lot or lots or structure. These signs shall not exceed six square feet in area. Exception: real estate signs for commercial leasing in Business District A may have one sign not to exceed 25 square feet. No real estate sign shall be placed nearer to the street line than 15 feet; and
      (5)   Temporary signs for public uses. Any sign used for public demonstrations or announcements, or for the promotion of civic welfare or charitable or educational enterprises erected for a stated period of time and which shall be removed within 24 hours after the expiration of that time may be authorized by the Mayor and a special permit issued by and erection under the supervision of the Building Commissioner.
   (B)   The erection of a temporary sign is subject to the following conditions.
      (1)   All temporary signs, except for sign designated in division (A)(1) above, shall be located on the private property to which they refer.
      (2)   If erected in a front yard, such temporary signs shall be set back midway between building and pavement or street and shall be located on private property. No temporary sign shall extend into the right-of-way of any street, sidewalk, alley, or other thoroughfare, except for a sign permitted as a decoration or banner set forth in division (A)(1) above.
(2000 Code, § 151.131) (Ord. O-4-96, passed 3-25-1996; Ord. O-12-06, passed 12-26-2006)