(A)   (1)   This Appendix A shall be amended to reflect the fact that the parcels identified as Parcel Nos. 6927 and 6928 on the attached zoning map are hereby designated to be Business A zoning as opposed to Residence B zoning.
      (2)   Any plans for a business use on said parcels shall be subject to review and approval by the Village Architectural Review Board and the Village Planning Commission.
      (3)   The change of zoning from Residence B to Business A on the attached Appendix A shall remain in effect for five years from the date of passage of this ordinance if no applications for building permits are submitted during that period; however, if any building permits are applied for and approved during that five-year time period, the parcel shall remain as Business A. In the event no permits are issued for the construction of a building on these properties for a period of five years from the date of passage, said zoning for the parcels specified herein shall revert back to Residence B zoning and be subject to all of the terms and conditions of said Residence B zoning.
      (4)   This division (A) shall take effect at the earliest date allowed by law.
   (B)   (1)   This Appendix A as amended by Ord. O-20-10, expiring on October 10, 2015, which set forth a change in zoning from Residence B to Business A zoning of two parcels of real estate located on Madisonville Road at Lane K in the village, shall be extended for a additional period of three years, expiring on October 10, 2018.
      (2)   Any plans for a business use on said parcels shall be subject to review and approval by the Village Architectural Review Board and the Village Planning Commission.
      (3)   Zoning from Residence B to Business A on the attached Appendix A shall remain in effect for an additional three years to October 10, 2018, if no applications for building permits are submitted during that period; however, if any building permits are applied for and approved during that time period, the parcel shall remain as Business A. In the event no permits are issued for the construction of a building on these properties during that time, said zoning for the parcels specified herein shall revert back to Residence B zoning and be subject to all of the terms and conditions of said Residence B zoning.
      (4)   This division (B) shall take effect at the earliest date allowed by law.
(Ord. O-20-10, passed 10-11-2010; Ord. O-19-13, passed 10-14-2013)