General Provisions
154.001 Statutory authorizations
154.002 Findings of fact
154.003 Statement of purpose
154.004 Methods of reducing flood loss
154.005 Lands to which these regulations apply
154.006 Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard
154.007 Abrogation and greater restrictions
154.008 Interpretation
154.009 Warning and disclaimer of liability
154.010 Definitions
154.025 Designation of the Floodplain Administrator
154.026 Duties and responsibilities of the Floodplain Administrator
154.027 Floodplain development permits
154.028 Application required
154.029 Review and approval of a floodplain development permit application
154.030 Inspections
154.031 Post-construction certifications required
154.032 Revoking a floodplain development permit
154.033 Exemptions from filing a development permit
154.034 State and federal development
154.035 Map maintenance activities
154.036 Data use and flood map interpretation
154.037 Use of preliminary flood insurance rate map and/or flood insurance study data
154.038 Substantial damage determinations
Use and Development Standards for
Flood Hazard Reduction
Flood Hazard Reduction
154.050 Generally
154.051 Use regulations
154.052 Water and wastewater systems
154.053 Subdivisions and other new developments
154.054 Residential structures
154.055 Nonresidential structures
154.056 Accessory structures
154.057 Recreational vehicles
154.058 Gas or liquid storage tanks
154.059 Assurance of flood-carrying capacity
Appeals and Variances
154.070 Appeals Board established
154.071 Powers and duties
154.072 Appeals
154.073 Variances
154.074 Procedure at hearing
154.075 Appeals to the Court
154.090 Compliance required
154.091 Notice of violation
154.999 Penalty
Street openings, See Ch. 153
Zoning Code, see Ch. 152