Codes Adopted by Reference
70.01 Michigan Vehicle Code; Uniform Traffic Code for Cities, Townships, and Villages
Sidewalk Traffic
70.15 Definitions
70.16 Prohibitions
70.17 Exceptions
70.18 Civil infractions
70.19 Conflicts
70.20 Effective date
70.99 Penalty
Complete Streets Plan, see Ch. 160
(A) Code and amendments and revisions adopted. The Michigan Vehicle Code, Public Act 300 of 1949, being M.C.L.A. §§ 257.1 - 257.923, and all future amendments and revisions to the Michigan Vehicle Code when they are effective in this state are incorporated and adopted by reference. The Uniform Traffic Code for Cities, Townships, and Villages as promulgated by the Director of the Michigan Department of State Police pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act of 1969, Public Act 306 of 1969, being M.C.L.A. §§ 24.201 - 24.328, and made effective 10-30-2002, and all future amendments and revisions to the Uniform Traffic Code when they are promulgated and effective in this state are incorporated and adopted by reference.
(B) Motor Safety Carrier Safety Ordinance.
(1) Purpose. Division (B) of this section shall be cited as the Manchester Village Motor Carrier Safety Ordinance. The purpose of these divisions are to protect the public health, safety and welfare by regulating and providing for local enforcement of motor carriers and motor carrier traffic consistent with the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1963, PA 181, being M.C.L.A. §§ 480.11 et seq.
(2) Motor carrier safety regulation. The village hereby adopts by reference Public Act 181 of the Public Acts of 1963, the Michigan Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1963, being M.C.L.A. §§ 480.11 et seq. as amended, and incorporates the provisions stated therein as if fully stated herein for the purpose of local enforcement or motor carriers in the village.
(3) Copies of statutes for inspection and purchase. A complete copy of the Motor Carrier Safety Act as adopted herein by reference shall be kept in the office of the Village Clerk located at 912 City Road, P.O. Box 485, Manchester, Michigan 48158, and shall be made available for use, inspection, copying and distribution to the public for a reasonable fee as determined by the Clerk, which fee shall not exceed the cost for reproduction or furnishing copies of this division, the Motor Carrier Safety Act, of for any parts thereof.
(4) Penalties. The penalties provided under the Motor Carrier Safety Act are adopted by reference, provided, however, that the village may not enforce any provision of the Motor Carrier Safety Act for which the maximum period of imprisonment is greater than 93 days.
(Ord. 252, passed 12-5-2005)
(C) References in codes. References in the Michigan Vehicle Code to LOCAL AUTHORITIES shall mean the Village of Manchester. References in the Uniform Traffic Code for Cities, Townships and Villages to “governmental unit” shall mean the Village of Manchester.
(D) Savings clause. The repeal provided herein shall not abrogate or affect any offense or act committed or done, or any penalty or forfeiture incurred, or any pending fee, assessments, litigation, or prosecution of any right established, occurring prior to the effective date hereof.
(E) Location where the Michigan Vehicle Code and the Uniform Traffic Code for Cities, Townships, and Villages are available for inspection. A copy of the Michigan Vehicle Code, as amended, and the Uniform Traffic Code for Cities, Townships, and Villages, as amended, may be inspected or obtained at the offices of the Clerk of the Village of Manchester.
(F) Effective date. The Village Clerk shall cause this section, or a summary of this section, to be published in the maimer required by law within 15 days after it has been duly adopted by the Village Council. The effective date shall be 20 days after the date of passage or the date of publication, whichever occurs first.
(Ord. 245, passed 5-5-2003) Penalty, see § 70.99