   72.01   Creation
   72.02   Issuance of notice of parking violations
   72.03   Time for appearing before Parking Violations Bureau
   72.04   Accounting
   72.05   Record of violations
   72.06   Fines for parking violations
   72.07   Amended and/or deleted sections of Uniform Traffic Code
§ 72.01 CREATION.
   A Parking Violations Bureau is by the provisions of this chapter established for the Village of Manchester. This Bureau shall be operated by the person or persons as the Village Council shall designate by appropriate resolution.
(1984 Code, § 9.21) (Am. Ord. 195, passed 12-2-1991)
   The violator of any provisions of Chapter VIII of the Uniform Traffic Code, as adopted and amended by this code, shall be served by the complaining officer with a parking violation notice on a form as prescribed by Village Council by appropriate resolution. The notice shall give the date and time of the violation, the location of the violation, the nature of the violation, the signature and identification number of the issuing officer, the vehicle make and license number, and other pertinent information as specified on the notice. The notice shall also include a schedule of fines for parking violations as set forth in § 72.06, the procedure for contesting the ticket, and the following notice:
“The owner of the vehicle described on this parking violation notice is notified that the vehicle was parked in violation of the Village of Manchester Code. If you wish to admit responsibility for the violation, you may either mail a check or money order, payable to the Village of Manchester for the amount indicated, in this envelope, or pay in person at the Manchester Village Hall, 912 City, Manchester, MI 48158.
Fine amounts increase after 14 days. YOU MUST RESPOND ON OR BEFORE 14 DAYS FROM THE DATE THIS CITATION WAS ISSUED. Failure to respond will result in a default judgment against you and additional costs.
Six or more unpaid notices may result in:
1.   Impoundment of your vehicle. Vehicles are subject to impoundment until payment is received by the Manchester Violations Bureau.
2.   Loss of your right to renew your drivers license.
3.   Issuance of a warrant for your arrest.”
(1984 Code, § 9.22) (Am. Ord. 195, passed 12-2-1991)
   The notice shall also include the procedure for contesting the ticket.