(A) Any employee occupying a position designated as FLSA exempt who is regularly employed on a continuing work schedule of less than 40 hours per week shall be compensated by multiplying the base pay rate by the number of regular hours worked per week.
(B) An employee occupying a position designated as FLSA non-exempt and who is employed on a part-time basis shall be paid on an hourly basis.
(C) A part-time employee may be granted a step increase upon satisfactory completion of 1,040 hours of work. A part-time employee may be granted an additional step increaseupon the satisfactory completion of 2,080 hours. Said employee will be eligible for subsequent step increases upon the satisfactory completion of each 2,080 hours of work until said employee reaches the maximum step in the salary grade to which the employee is assigned.
(D) An employee who is employed to work 32 hours per week in a position that does not have an end date, shall be required to participate in the Contributory Retirement System unless the position is designated as a Group II position. (Current part-time employees who are working less hours, and who are currently contributing to the Contributory Retirement System, may continue to so.) Said employees shall be eligible to participate in the health insurance program upon retirement.
('71 Code, § 18-58) (Ord. passed 6-14-67; Am. Ord. passed 8-20-68; Am. Ord. passed 11-4-98; Am. Ord. passed 8-1-06; Am. Ord. passed 10-3-06)
Any temporary or seasonal employees occupying classified positions shall be employed initially at the salary grade for his/her classification. Upon recommendation of a department head, a temporary or seasonal employee may advance one step in his/her salary grade upon satisfactory completion of 2080 hours of work. Such advancement within a pay grade may continue until the maximum step is reached unless interrupted by a period of absence from work for a period of 12 months or longer. In such event, the employee shall be reemployed at the minimum initial pay step for the class to which he/she is assigned.
('71 Code, § 18-59) (Ord. passed 6-14-67; Am. Ord. passed 5-1-84; Am. Ord. passed 8-6-02)
(A) Any employee of the city who sustains an injury which is compensable under the Workers Compensation Law and who is entitled to receive compensation benefits either by agreement of award shall, in addition to workers compensation benefits, receive supplemental pay benefits from the city so that combined worker compensation, wages, and supplemental pay benefits shall equal 80% of regular gross salary if the employee is covered under Social Security, and 87% if the employee is not covered under Social Security. Regular gross salary means gross wages as shown in the salary and wage schedules in the city and the school department compensation plans. The Human Resources Department shall make such adjustments as are necessary to ensure that employees will actually receive the supplemental pay benefit provided above.
(B) Pending determination of workers compensation eligibility, the employee may receive sick leave benefits. On a determination that the employee is eligible for workers compensation benefits, the employee shall repay to the city all sick leave benefits the employee has received. Upon repayment sick leave credit shall be restored.
(C) To the extent authorized by law, the city, during the period the employee is receiving supplemental pay benefits, shall continue to contribute to the employee's retirement system on the employees' regular gross salary provided the employee maintains his contributions to the system.
(D) Disabled employees may authorize deductions first from this supplemental portion of his pay and then from his workers compensation disability payments for medical insurance, credit union payments, bonds or savings plans, retirement, and United Fund contributions, or other authorized deductions, upon approved forms.
(E) In cases of third party liability the city shall be entitled to the same lien and rights with respect to supplemental pay as are afforded employers under the Workers Compensation Law. As a condition to receiving supplemental pay benefits, the employee shall execute a written assignment of such lien and rights to the city in such form as is required by the Risk Manager. The Risk Manager is authorized to make third party lien settlements on behalf of the city and the employee with respect to supplemental pay benefits, provided however, that a full report shall be made to the Aldermanic Human Resources/Insurance Committee.
(F) It shall be the duty of each department head to monitor the payment of supplemental pay benefits to employees within his department. On recommendation of the department head, the Risk Manager may require employees receiving supplemental pay benefits to be examined by a physician or physician chosen by the city at the city's expense at intervals not more frequent than the requirements set forth in R.S.A. 281-A:38.
(G) In no event shall this section provide more than 52 weeks of supplemental pay benefits for the injury or any recurrence thereof. Employees unable to resume normal work duties after one year shall be examined by a physician or physicians chosen by the city at the city's expense. If on such examination the employee is found to be unable to fulfill the requirements of his/her normal work duties, such employee shall be terminated.
(H) Any employee so terminated shall be entitled to a hearing before the Aldermanic Human Resources/Insurance Committee. Requests by employees for a hearing must be submitted to the Committee no later than 15 calendar days after the receipt of notification of termination. The Aldermanic Human Resources/Insurance Committee shall hold a hearing within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the request.
(I) If the employee prevails in the hearing before the Aldermanic Human Resources/ Insurance Committee, employment will not be terminated but in no event shall the supplemental pay benefits exceed the maximum of 52 weeks of cumulative benefits. The determination of the Aldermanic Human Resources/Insurance Committee is subject to review by that Committee each 30 calendar days. The decision of the Aldermanic Human Resources/Insurance Committee shall be final.
('71 Code, § 18-47) (Ord. passed 7-6-82; Am. Ord. passed 11-7-90; Am. Ord. passed 6-28-94; Am. Ord. passed 7-5-94; Am. Ord. passed 5-20-08; Am. Ord. passed 4-2-19)
(A) Compensation for absence on holidays. Any employees of the city, except temporary employees and part-time employees who work less than half the regular work schedule for their assigned classes, shall receive their regular compensation for the following legal holidays or parts thereof or any other day proclaimed as a holiday by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, during which the public offices of the city are closed:
(1) New Year's Day;
(2) Washington's Birthday;
(3) Civil Rights Day;
(4) Memorial Day;
(5) Juneteenth;
(6) Fourth of July;
(7) Labor Day;
(8) Columbus Day;
(9) Biennial Election Day;
(10) Veteran's Day;
(11) Thanksgiving Day;
(12) Christmas Day.
It is not the intention of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen to create an additional paid holiday for city employees. Rather, the intention is to substitute Civil Rights Day for Fast Day, effective upon passage for non-affiliated employees and effective for affiliated employees upon agreement by their exclusive bargaining representatives.
(B) Compensation for a holiday falling on a regularly scheduled day off. Except for employees regularly scheduled to work on a shift basis, when a holiday listed in subsection (A) of this section falls on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the legal holiday, and when the legal holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the legal holiday.
(C) Compensation for work performed on holidays. Any permanent full-time employee, or permanent part-time employee who regularly works one-half or more of the regular schedule for his assigned class, who is required to perform work or to render services on one of the holidays listed in subsection (A) of this section shall be compensated therefor as follows:
(1) Any employee in any class of positions, except those in the labor and trades group, shall receive their regular pay for the holiday payment at straight time for all hours worked on a holiday.
(2) Any employee in any class of positions in the labor and trades group only shall receive their regular pay for the holiday plus payment at time and one-half their regular rate of pay for all hours worked on a holiday.
(D) Forfeiture of holiday pay. Any employee shall forfeit his right to payment for any holiday if he has an unexcused absence on the last regular work day preceding such holiday or on the next regular work day following such holiday.
(E) Reserve Officers. Individuals who are hired to work as Reserve Officers (compensated as Patrolmen) shall not be entitled to holiday pay.
('71 Code, § 18-48) (Ord. passed 6-14-67; Am. Ord. passed 12-27-67; Am. Ord. passed 1-7-92; Am. Ord. passed 8-6-02; Am. Ord. passed 10-4-22)
(A) In addition to other leaves authorized by this subchapter, a department head shall be authorized to grant an employee up to 90 days without pay in a rotating year. Any additional requests for time off without pay during the rotating year shall require the approval of the full Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
(B) The Board of Mayor and Aldermen may authorize special leaves of absence with or without pay for any period or periods not to exceed one calendar year for the following purposes: Attendance at college, university or business school for the purpose of training in subjects relating to the work of the employee and which will benefit the employee and the city service; urgent personal business requiring the employee's attention for an extended period, such as settling estates, liquidating a business, serving on a jury and attending court as a witness; and for purposes other than the above that are deemed beneficial to the city service.
(C) The city shall pay an employee absent for jury service the difference between his regular city pay and the payment he receives for jury service.
('71 Code, § 18-49) (Ord. passed 6-14-67; Am. Ord. passed 11-14-06)
(A) Any permanent full-time or permanent part-time employee who works half or more of the regular work schedule for the assigned class shall be excused from work for not more than five work days with pay between the date of death and the date of the funeral, inclusive, in the event of the death of his/her spouse, father, mother, sister, brother, child, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or a blood relative or ward residing in the same household.
(B) Special leave of one working day with pay, for the purpose of attending the funeral, shall be granted any permanent employee, as defined in division (A) above, in the event of the death of his/her grandmother, grandfather, grandchild, aunt, uncle, brother-in-law, or sister-in-law.
(C) Under extenuating circumstances, two additional days with pay may be granted under division (A) above, with written approval of the department head; provided, however, such days are to be charged to the employee's accrued sick leave.
(D) Not more than eight hours per day shall be paid for bereavement leave and under no circumstances shall bereavement leave be paid on an overtime basis.
('71 Code, § 18-50) (Ord. passed 12-27-67; Am. Ord. passed 9-1-81; Am. Ord. passed 11-4-98)