      I.   IN GENERAL



1Editor’s note:
Ordinance 16-92, adopted August 3, 1992, amended Ch. 11 in its entirety to read as herein set out.
  Former Ch. 11, §§ 11-101-11-112 pertained to similar subject matter, and derived from Code 1976,
  §§ 9-15-9-26-9-36.
Rubbish in the cemetery, § 7-112; Health and Sanitation, Ch. 12; Nuisances, Ch. 14; dumping
  garbage, etc., in parks, § 16-216; Planning, Zoning, and Subdivision control, Ch. 17; throwing
  or burning trash on streets prohibited, § 19-101; abandoned vehicles, § 20-1201 et seq.
Statutory reference:
Littering, G.S. § 14-399; regulation of trash and garbage, G.S. §§ 130A-309.09A, 130A-309.10,
  160A-303.1; solid waste collection as a public enterprise, G.S. § 160A-311.
   11-101   Definitions
   11-102   Town to collect garbage; exceptions
   11-103   Collection to be supervised by Director of Public Works
   11-104   Preparation and collection of garbage, rubbish, and trimmings
   11-105   Refuse containers
   11-106   Refuse to be stored in containers; scattering of refuse in public place prohibited
   11-107   Points of collection
   11-108   Special solid waste problems; prohibited solid waste disposal
   11-109   Refuse collection by actual producers, franchised collectors, and outside collectors
   11-110   Refuse property of town
§ 11-101  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning:
   ASHES. The residue from the burning of wood, coal, coke, or other combustible materials.
   BUILDING MATERIALS. Scrap building material from the construction, reconstruction, remodeling, or repair of a building, walkway, driveway, sign, and other structure, including, but not limited to, excavated earth, tree stumps, rocks, gravel, bricks, plaster, concrete, lumber, or any other similar material used in construction, or the containers or wrappings thereof.
   COMMERCIAL OR BUSINESS UNIT. Any building, or structure, in or from which a business, trade, or commerce is conducted.
   DIRECTOR. The Director of Public Works of the town.
   GARBAGE. All putrescible wastes, including animal and vegetable matter, animal offal and carcasses, and recognizable industrial by-products, but excluding sewage and human wastes.
   HAZARDOUS REFUSE. Any materials such as poison, acids, caustics, reactive chemicals, infected material, radioactive, or explosives.
   MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL UNIT. Any duplex apartment, or group of apartments, under a single roof and used for dwelling places for more than one family.
   REFUSE. All putrescible and non-putrescible wastes, except body wastes, including garbage, rubbish, ashes, street cleanings, dead animals, abandoned automobiles, and solid market and industrial wastes.
   REQUIRED CONTAINER. A covered container not to exceed 96 gallons designed for use by residential units for storage of garbage and other miscellaneous refuse.
   RUBBISH. Non-putrescible solid wastes, excluding ashes, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes, such as paper, cardboard, tin cans, yard clippings, wood, glass, bedding, crockery, and similar materials.
   SINGLE RESIDENTIAL UNIT. Any dwelling place occupied by one family.
   SMALL DEAD ANIMALS. Cats, dogs, and small household pets of 70 pounds, or less, in weight.
   SOLID WASTE. Garbage, refuse, rubbish, trash, and other discarded solid materials, including solid waste materials resulting from homes, businesses, industrial, commercial, and agricultural operations, and from community activities, but does not include solids or dissolved materials in domestic sewage, or other significant pollutants in water resources, such as silt, dissolved or suspended solids in industrial waste water effluents, dissolved materials in irrigation return flows, or other common water pollutants.
(Ord. 16-92, passed 8-3-1992)
   (A)   Town to collect garbage. Except as provided by subsection (B) below, all refuse accumulated in the town shall be collected, conveyed, and disposed of by the town, or its authorized contractor. Except as authorized herein, no person shall collect, convey over any of the streets or alleys of the town, or dispose of any refuse accumulated in the town.
   (B)   Exceptions.
      (1)   This article shall not prohibit the actual producers of refuse, or the owners of premises on which refuse has accumulated, from personally collecting, conveying, and disposing of solid waste generated on the premises; provided, the producers, or owners, comply with the provisions of this article, and with any other governing law or ordinances.
      (2)   This article shall not prohibit any person operating under a license, franchise, or contract expressly granted by the governing authorities of the county, or operating pursuant to the provisions of this article, from collecting, conveying, and disposing of refuse; provided, the persons comply with the provisions of this article, and with any other governing law or ordinances.
      (3)   This article shall not prohibit collectors of refuse from outside of the town from hauling refuse over the town streets; provided, the collectors comply with the provisions of this article, and with any other governing law or ordinances.
(Ord. 16-92, passed 8-3-1992)