      I.   IN GENERAL
      IV.   REPEALED
      V.   LIVESTOCK



Removal of dead animals, § 11-108(F); Human and animal waste, dead animals, § 12-106; certain
  animals which emit loud noises prohibited, § 14-201(D); animals running at large in parks,
  § 16-205; persons riding animals to obey traffic laws, § 20-303.
   4-101   Definitions
   4-102   Animal Control Officer designation
   4-103   Same: interference with
   4-104   Restraining
   4-105   Nuisance
   4-106   Repealed
   4-107   Running on owner’s premises
   4-108   Repealed
   4-109   Dangerous dogs
   4-110   Precautions against attacks by dangerous dogs
   4-111   Penalty for attacks by dangerous dogs and strict liability
   4-112   Requirements for the confinement of a potentially dangerous, or dangerous, dog
   4-113   Removal of vicious dog from town
   4-114   Animals on town property
   4-115 to 4-199   Reserved
   For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
   ABANDONED ANIMAL. Any animal that has been left alone for at least 24 continuous hours without having provided for it reasonable sustenance at regular intervals, and has not had continuous access to potable water shall, for the purposes of this article, shall be considered ABANDONED.
   ABUSE. The intentional, and willful, physical or mental mistreatment of an animal by depriving it of adequate shelter and protection from the elements, failure to provide adequate food, and failure to provide adequate clean and fresh water, and intentionally and willfully subjecting the animal to unsanitary conditions by being surrounded by waste, debris, trash, or garbage.
   ADEQUATE SHELTER. An enclosure consisting of a solid floor, walls, and a roof that is so constructed as to remain dry inside, be structurally sound and in good repair, and promote the retention of body heat.
      (1)   Includes the male or female, neutered or sterilized.
      (2)   ANIMAL, as used in this article, shall include all warm-blooded, domesticated mammals.
   ANIMAL OWNER. Every person in possession of, or who harbors, any animal, or who shall suffer any animal to remain about his or her premises for a period of five days.
   HARBORING. The occupant of any premises on which an animal is kept, or to which it customarily returns daily for food and care for a period of three days, is presumed to be HARBORING, or keeping, the animal within the meaning of this article.
   NEGLECT. The omission, failure, or refusal to reasonably provide adequate shelter, food, water, and sanitary conditions, as provided in this article.
   RABIES VACCINATION. The inoculation of a dog, cat, or other animal with a rabies vaccine approved by the County Department of Health.
   REASONABLE CONTROL. When an animal is accompanied by, and under the supervision of, its owner, or by some member of the family, or by some employee, or agent, of the owner.
   RUNNING AT LARGE. To be off the premises of the owner, and not under the reasonable control of the owner, or of an authorized person, either by leash or otherwise, but an animal within the automobile, or other vehicle, of its owner shall be deemed to be upon the owner’s premises.
   VICIOUS DOG. Any dog that inflicts, unprovoked, bites, or attacks human beings or other animals, either on public or private property, or in a vicious or terrorizing manner, approaches any person in apparent attitude of attack upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public grounds or places. (See § 4-113.)
(Code 1976, § 11.8)  (Ord. 5-75, passed 5-5-1975; Ord. 17-2008, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 9-2009, passed 4-6-2009)
   Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-102.
   The Chief of Police, or his or her designee, is hereby designated as the Animal Control Officer for the town.
(Code 1976, § 11.33)  (Ord. 5-75, passed 5-5-1975)
   Officers and employees, §§ 2-401 et seq.