For the purpose of this division, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates, or requires, a different meaning.
AMUSEMENT DEVICE. Any pool, billiard, bagatelle, pigeonhole, or similar table; bowling alley; pinball machine; or mechanical, or electronic, amusement device which is, or may be, operated for, or upon, the payment of money, trade token, or slug, either directly, or indirectly, and which operates, or may be operated, by retail patrons as a game, or contest of skill or amusement of any kind, or description, and which contains no automatic payoff device for the return of money, trade token, or slug, or for which no provision whatever is made for the return of money to the player.
MECHANICAL or ELECTRONIC AMUSEMENT DEVICE. Any machine which, upon insertion of a coin, trade token, or slug, or upon other activation for payment, or promise of payment, in money, operates, or may be operated, by retail patrons as a game, or contest of skill or amusement of any kind, or description, and which contains no automatic payoff device for the return of money, trade token, or slug, or which makes no provision whatsoever for the return of money to the player. A MECHANICAL or ELECTRONIC AMUSEMENT DEVICE is hereby further defined as any machine, apparatus, or contrivance which is used, or which may be used, as a game of skill and amusement, wherein or whereby the player initiates, employs, or directs any force, action, or image generated by, on, or in the machine.
OPERATION. The keeping, or maintaining, for use or play by retail patrons of an amusement device, or the maintenance or management of a place of amusement.
PLACE OF AMUSEMENT. Any premises where one, or more, amusement devices are kept, or maintained, for retail patrons.
(Code 1976, § 10.41) (Ord. 4-82, passed 9-6-1982; Ord. 23-99, passed 8-16-1999)