(A)   It shall be unlawful for the registered owner, or person entitled to possession of a manufactured home, and for the owner, lessee, or occupant of the real property upon which the manufactured home is located to leave, allow, or suffer the manufactured home to remain on the property after it has been declared an abandoned manufactured home, or a public nuisance.
   (B)   A manufactured home shall be deemed to be an abandoned manufactured home for the purposes of this article in the following circumstances: Any manufactured home that is either vacant, or in need of extensive repair; and an unreasonable danger to public health, safety, welfare, or the environment.
   (C)   A manufactured home shall be considered abandoned when it has not been occupied for at least 120 days, and meets any of the following criteria:
      (1)   Provides a location for loitering, vagrancy, unauthorized entry, or other criminal activity;
      (2)   Has been boarded up for at least 30 days;
      (3)   Has taxes in arrears for a period of time exceeding 365 days; and/or
      (4)   Has all utilities disconnected or not in use.
(Ord. 21-2018, passed 12-3-2018)  Penalty, see § 1-111