General Provisions
91.01 Animals running at large
91.02 Keeping dangerous or noisy animals and fowl
Control of Dogs and Cats
91.15 Definitions
91.16 Dogs to be kept under restraint
91.17 Dogs in heat to be confined
91.18 Prohibited actions of dogs and cats
91.19 Standards for guard and sentry dogs
91.20 Impoundment; disposition of dogs and cats
91.21 Redemption; fees and proof of vaccination required
91.22 Interference with enforcement officer prohibited
91.23 Issuance of citations
Operation of Animal Shelter
91.40 Purpose of agreement
91.41 Madison-Jefferson County Animal Shelter Advisory Board
91.42 Termination of agreement
91.43 Supervision of animal control officers
91.99 Penalty
(A) Horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, geese, ducks, turkeys, and any other such livestock or fowl are prohibited from being allowed to run at large about the streets, alleys, parks, or other public places of the city.
(B) Any animal control officer as defined in § 91.15 shall impound in some suitable place all horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, geese, ducks, turkeys, and any other such livestock or fowl found running at large about the streets, alleys, parks, or public places of the city, contrary to division (A) of this section, and such officer shall take proceedings as may be provided by the state law, relating to the taking up and impounding of animals and fowl running at large.
('66 Code, § 90.04) (Ord., passed 4-28-05)
(A) No person shall keep or harbor any vicious or dangerous dog or other animal, unless it is secured in such a manner or place that no person can be injured by such dog or other animal.
(B) No person shall keep or harbor any dog, animal, or fowl that may disturb any neighbor or the general public by loud barking, yelping, or other noises.
('66 Code, § 90.05) Penalty, see § 91.99