94.01 Definitions
94.02 Responsibility and duty of owners owning or controlling real estate
94.03 Dumping trash, debris, and the like on real estate prohibited
94.04 When building materials and equipment may be placed or stored
94.05 Use of real estate without owner's consent; exception
94.06 Litter emanating from motor vehicles
For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
"TRASH", "DEBRIS", "GARBAGE", "REFUSE", "OFFAL", and "OTHER EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL." The same shall have common usage in the city and under the laws of the state.
(A) It shall be the duty of all persons owning or controlling real estate to keep the same free of trash, debris, garbage, refuse, offal, or other extraneous material. It shall further be the duty of those persons owning or controlling real estate to make monthly collections and removal during the months of April through November of material described in § 94.01 as may have accumulated.
(B) It shall be the duty of all persons owning or controlling real estate in the city to maintain the same in a condition as to contribute to, rather than detract from the cleanliness and attractiveness of the district in which it is located and in general, conforming to the other orderly premises in that vicinity.
It shall be unlawful for any person to dump or deposit trash, debris, garbage, refuse, offal, or other extraneous material on any real estate. Penalty, see § 10.99