General Provisions
95.01 Purpose
95.02 Definition
95.03 Limitations
95.04 Inspections
95.05 Abatement; record
95.06 Right of entry
95.07 Notice to owner
Specific Nuisances
95.20 Weeds
95.21 Transportation of garbage, waste and the like
95.22 Expectoration
95.23 Boarding and lodging houses
95.24 Bone, fat or glue businesses
95.25 Soap factories, candle factories and the like
95.26 Unclean drains, garbage boxes and the like
95.27 Water in basements
95.28 Pools of impure water
95.29 Discharge of filth into streets
95.30 Impure wells or cisterns
95.31 Scraps, junk and other refuse
95.32 Garbage, food scraps, litter and the like
95.33 Smells from manufacturers
Garbage and Debris
95.45 Definitions
95.46 Maintenance; responsibility
95.47 Exterior storage of non-operating vehicles
95.48 Enforcement
95.49 Notice
95.50 Collection and removal
95.51 Cost and expense
95.99 Penalty